Nana Ruth

in #blog5 years ago

Sometimes I wonder how old I truly am. I wonder if the ways I prefer spending my free time match my age. I feel like my interests and the things that make me happy are of another age group -over 75 maybe?


Yesterday was an ideal Sunday for example... I woke up and went to buy a newspaper. I then sat comfortably in my couch reading the news -and every magazine included, even the leaflets- while drinking greek-coffee, a glass of cold rosemary water and eating biscuits. I was feeling so fulfilled. I had everything I needed.

At some point though a weird thought struck me. As I tasted the delicious rosemary water after having a sip of coffee I thought to myself "you 80 year old, you're having such an amazing morning right?". Maybe the sound of the youngsters playing rackets at the beach and the beach bar's music playing at the background contrasted my own kind of fun.

I then started thinking about the things I love doing... Reading books, experimenting in cooking, eating food in nice restaurants, walking in nature, enjoying hot beverages next to my lighten candles , playing cards with friends... I also thought about the things I hate.. Clubs, loud music, crowded places...Oh shit. When did I turn 80??

To my defence I've been to clubs, I once loved loud music and crowded places and back then I thought that sleep is a waste of time. But things have changed... The things I like doing changed as well...

So I might have turned into Nana Ruth but I feel like having the best time of my life!




I guess I was born old. I have always hated "Clubs, loud music, crowded places".

You were born wise! You didn't miss anything... :)

Some people say that flattery will get you nowhere. But lookee here, flattery got you an upvote :-)

hahah Oh thanks, I really meant it though :)

I enjoy my old years too and i think there is no better time than now,lol. I am sure that when we are 80 years old we could not read the newspaper, drink the cold water and eat the biscuits:)

hahaha I think you're right... So lets enjoy our early old years as much as we can!! :))

Παρατήρησε τους μεγάλους ανθρώπους (γέρους) δίπλα τους και θα δεις πόσο παράξενη θα γίνεις όταν μεγαλώσεις... :P

Λες ότι παραξενεύουμε μεγαλώνοντας ε..? Ωραία.. :P

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