365 Days of Writing #1 - What is your number one goal this year?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

I often live day by day and don't take the time to truly think about the future. However, sitting with my wife today over some wine at one of our favorite local vineyards we started talking about our goals and where we want to be in a few years.

Thus, the question came up "what is your number one goal this year?" I'm not sure that I only have one major goal for this year. I think like many of us we have many goals that we would like to accomplish in the short and long term. I, myself have many short and long-term goals.

Goal 1

My first goal is to pass my CTEL exams. I'm new to teaching in California so some of my credentials did not transfer over from Texas. Thus, I have to retake the test that is very similar to ones that I have taken already. This doesn't stop me from studying hard because the last thing I want to do is fail this test and lose out on time being a teacher.

CTEL is comprised of 3 different exams that you must pass.

CTEL 1: Language and Language Development
CTEL 2: Assessment and Instruction
CTEL 3: Culture and Inclusion

Goal 2

My second goal and one I have written about before is qualifying for the Boston Marathon. Training for this has started well and I think I am well on my way to accomplishing this goal. The scary thing with a marathon though is you never know what is going to happen on race day. You could be in the best shape of your life and bomb out of the race in less than spectacular form!

Goal 3

My third and most important goal are to continue to grow as a person and a husband. I do my best to help in and around the house. But, I know for a fact, at times I become quite lazy. Being lazy isn't helping my wife! I also want to continue to expand on other hobbies that I enjoy such as the piano (I'm awful), hiking, coffee, and wine.

How about you?

What are some of your main goals for this year? Or maybe even 5 years from now. Have you even taken the time to think about it? or are you like me and think more about the day-to-day life instead of long term.

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My goals are to have a car and a new place within a year's time ...

I bet you can do it! Best of luck!

Thank you and best of luck to you also.

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