Slow posting: Medical Reasons

in #blog7 years ago

Well it turns out I have some pretty consistently very high blood pressure. Going to see a Doctor on Wednesday to do something about it. Until I know where I sit with that my posts will likely slow down some. I'll still post, but this is why I will be posting less often than norm for a bit. Though I am also weird and I may end up posting a lot some day if I feel like it.

Went to the Emergency Room on Friday night just to be safe. My highest BP was in the 200+/110+ range. They said my heart was fine but my BP was pretty crazy. I already had an appointment scheduled for Wednesday so they said to just keep that appointment and deal with it then. My wife took my BP hourly yesterday and I hit that same high range at least once but was generally in the 170-190/110+ range with that 110+ being stuck at 118 for several hours.

This is new stuff to me, but it does explain some pains, tiredness, nausea, and things like that which I've dealt with off and on for a couple of weeks.

Anyway... I'll work on getting that under control and get back to posting more when I feel a bit better.


my best wishes are always with you. Daily exercise is very important. Please don't eat junk food.Lose extra pounds and watch your waistline. Blood pressure often increases as weight increases. ...
Exercise regularly. ...
Eat a healthy diet. ...
Reduce sodium in your diet. ...

Wishing you the best with any issues

try apple cider vinegar - 3 stsp 2 times daily - 2 cloves of fresh garlic - and lemon grass tea with a little fresh ginger (if you can get hold of it where you are.)

Do for a month, and see the reuslt (every day, no slacking!lol)

My knowledge isnt't empirical or anything -but I have looked at this kind of thing (nutrition) -quite a lot, over the years-and have many people come ask me for dietary info.

I would never take anything a doctor prescribes, before trying out all the natural medicines first - we have been using these I mentioned aboce for thousands of years.

Good luck!

Yep I wanted to go natural myself. Unfortunately I'm in pretty bad shape when it comes to what my BP readings keep showing. So it's not something I want to delay doing something about quickly.

I wasn't planning on doing any meds, but I'll see where it goes. Arms sore, chest tight and sore. They said my heart was okay according to EKG but throw those symptoms in with some occasional nausea and some dizziness and it is not something I want to take chances for. I don't want to drop dead from a heart attack or stroke. So it's one of those tough situations. I definitely do not want meds if I can avoid it.

The only meds I ever take are tyllenol or Ibuprofen if I have a headache which is usually once a month tops.

I also take Loratadine for allergies AS NEEDED and I can go a week sometimes two without taking that.

I take Vitamin D and a Multivitamin. That's about it.

overweight? cholestrol levels?

Definitely overweight. I don't know cholestrol levels yet. Will find out soon though I suspect that they are high. However, I am more comfortable with trying a natural approach first after last night. My wife takes care of her elderly parents and one of them has high blood pressure. So for the past few days I've been eating a low sodium diet, and less and last night for the first time since we started measuring it there was one time I had a normal blood pressure. So that at least gives us the hope we needed that we can deal with it naturally. We were pretty resistant to the idea of meds, especially with all of the side effects if we could avoid it just by changing lifestyle.

So it may be that changing my diet, and walking at least once a day for 20 minutes, and maybe more than that will be sufficient to turn things around. I may get a chance to try the things you suggested too. I had a preventative maintenance type health checkup scheduled for tomorrow before all of this began. I haven't been to a doctor in 2-3 years. So we'll keep that appointment ask for a blood panel and stress test. I should know more about my cholestrol after that, but we are just assuming high cholestrol for the moment until we know for sure.


big pharma -and by exptension -doctors -sell thing to keep you ill, and alive,not to make you better and healthy! lol

( some research will show you how doctors take the evidence and peer reviews - from the big pharma companies themselves -- as a basis for handing out drugs -seriously)

dude - just a vote to stay away from doctors - once you find out what's wrong - maybe look into an herbal and dietary solution? Iknow you are not asking advice but I am just watching people left and right get steared in the wrong direction by doctors...maybe a naturopath - mine is Dr.Schor at Denver Naturopathic Clinic - good guy - has really helped me a lot - over the years- 10 years.

And another vote for the staying away from doctors part. Seek a way to treat via a dietary solution.

I sure enjoy your posts, but you just need to focus on your health for now.

Well we are going to do it without meds if possible, but I'm not in great shape at the moment so I want to get it under control and then yes diet, exercise are all I really want to have to do.

I've had high blood pressure issues all my life, and the best thing I ever did for my health was join a gym. Just doing 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week did wonders for my blood pressure, and helped with my sleep issues, anxiety problems, and irritability.
Get that exercise, man! It's the best all-around medicine there is!

You want to fix it? Of course you do................. Dr. Morse YT. Give the man a chance. He's quirky but once you understand his message which is in all of his vids no matter what he's talkin about you'll understand. I did the white coat BS Dr. shat for years and this guy "cured" what they couldn't for FREE. Just listening to his message and applying the knowledge slowly everyday as best I could. If I'm in a brutal car accident then yes I certainly want an ER Dr. if I have a brain tumor or anything else then I ONLY want Dr. Morse. I'm 65lbs lighter and am wearing a pants size smaller than my high school size and I was slim then.............. give him a lil' bit of your time, it's free.

I'll check it out thanks. I had an appointment scheduled for a general physical as I haven't had one in 2 to 3 years. Then this came up before that.

That's all I can ask brother. Believe me though what he teaches is everybody's answer if they'll only listen and try. Problem with most who've come to me after not seeing me for some time and inquire to what I'm doing is .....well, it's that old adage........ "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make em' drink............" I hope you take a drink.

Give me a link to dr morse

He has hundreds of vids but if you get into his channel type in the search box what your interested in and I'd be willing to bet he'll address it somewhere. His message is just about about always within each vid along with tons of other lil' gold nuggets. In essence if you listen you'll learn how the human body works and how to clean it. Once you clean it you're good to go as everything returns to way it supposed to be. Sounds simple and silly right? Worked for me. I just randomly picked this vid but there are many more. He's been around doing this for about 50 yrs and has a clinic in FL. Enjoy and be well.

Thanks I looked at a few - it’s so overwhelming- I will watch more

Take good care for yourself, take time, rest and be healthy. That is the most important in life.

If you are really sick, you should consult a doctor. I have a whole life in the studies and equipment to be done, but if you are not sick and you are confused about this, then you are on the wannabe, so there is no need for that, so we all feel safe about our health. Only from the point of view I tell you if you see in yourself something tired you doctor, no one knows your health, only yourself and the doctor if you described him Mbk harm

good luck on your health; remember that the bulk of political material we are working on can be blood boiling in itself, and that the underlying component of human stupidity that drives those politics can drive that boiling point even higher.

Drink a beer, smoke some weed, hug the kiddos, make your wife happy (wink wink nod nod), go camping...whatever, just make more time for you and your own happiness

Good luck and I hope you have a good doctor. I retired from a stressful job a few years ago, one of the things I did going into my chosen field was I had to learn to keep my blood pressure in control. So 35 years ago I bought an at home Blood Pressure Kit. With it and meditation every day for one year I was able to get to know my blood pressure, and thus control it. How I did it:

  1. Test blood pressure.
  2. Write it down in a log, Write how you felt.
  3. Sit very still with finger tip to thumb, concentrate on feeling pulse between finger and thumb.
  4. Wait 10 minutes after you feel pulse then remeasure Blood pressure.
  5. Do this everyday for one year.

This is what worked for me. I am able to tell the doctors what my blood pressure is with-in 5 points. My blood pressure generally runs at 105/65. The highest it has been in the last 30 years is 128/108.

While doing the sitting still part come up with a mantra to repeat to yourself while trying to feel you pulse. I used something like every pulse cool soothing relaxation, and variables on that theme. Eventually you will be able to feel your pulse travel up your arm across the shoulders and through the body.

Total time involved is about a half hour. If for the first few months you were able to do it three times a day that would be best, after a little bit when you get used to feeling your blood pressure just sit, measure, relax, and remeasure. You'll be down to a fifteen minute time frame in no time, then just holding your thumb and finger together and feeling your pulse will have a quick effect. (about 4 months in),

Sorry to hear this.
I hope you get figured out and under control.
Sound like a dee-stressing situation.
Try and relax and take care of yourself!
Sending positive thoughts and best wishes!

I'm not very stressed actually. It is just unhealthy living. Virtually no exercise and could eat better. So those are two things I'll rectify post haste.

All the best, and a fast recovery :)

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