VIDEO GAME REVIEW // Star Wars: Battlefront

in #blog7 years ago

Star Wars: Battlefront is a a first and third person shooter (you can switch back and forth during the game) based off of the first 3 Star Wars movies that were made. Of course I'm talking about episode 4,5 and 6. And they even have Jyn Erso from Rogue One as a playable character. It is a game that mainly focuses on its online, but does have other options for anyone without Xbox Live. It was published by LucasArts and Electronic Arts. It had its first release on September 21, 2004, but has a more recent release back onto the market new and improved on November 17, 2015. It can be played on the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4, Xbox and Xbox One.

Now anyone that knows me knows that I'm not really one for online gameplay, unless I'm playing Rainbow Six Siege. But, sometimes I get curious and I try out some online play with a few games, and this game was definitely one of them. One I liked in particular was the Heroes versus Villains mode. You could be apart of the Rebel Alliance and play as Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker or a Rebel Soldier, or you could play on the side of the Empire and play as Darth Vader, The Emperor, Boba Fett or a Storm Trooper. You all go at it and the team with the most surviving characters at the end of the match wins. It's definitely fun if you enjoy online play, and is even more fun to play if you're as big of Star Wars fan as myself.

Now while there is no story mode for this game, there are still missions that you can play offline. There are missions where you can pilot starships and fight against Tie Fighters, and there are missions where you can play as either the Rebel Alliance of the Empire and defeat waves of enemies while completing achievements. You're given a star next to where you select the mission for every time you beat each level on easy, medium or hard and so on. I have yet to get every star, but I will get there one day. That's for sure. While this isn't a game that I play too often, it's definitely one that I always come back and one that I undoubtedly enjoyed playing. Again, if you love Star Wars as much as I do, there's no way you won't enjoy playing this game. I give it a 4/5. Simply because I love story mode gameplay, and this didn't have that. But, the sequel, Battlefront 2, will have story mode that I am very much excited to play!


This game is quite cheap at the moment and has great graphics but the online servers are pretty much dead. No one plays it anymore

I honestly only ever played it for the single player missions. Not much of an online gamer.

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