Highlights of a Redneck Graduation Party

in #blog7 years ago

This post is all in good fun. A certain amount of exaggeration to fit stereotypes is involved...enjoy!

We shall begin this journey with the necessary equipment involved in a party thrown by your typical Upstate NY Hick... hm, no, that's not quite right, I will amend that to say A classy, goin' to impress your friends party thrown by your typical Upstate NY Hick:

The Rented Tent

"This cost more than our house payment ma!"
"Oh hush pa, do you want our guests thinkin' we can't afford to give our girl the best? Didn't think so!"

The Trampoline


Net? Pishaw, we never had such things when we was kids, and most that ever happened was an arm got broke...kids love them casts, signed by all they's friends!!

Loud Music


Got them there speakers in Nineteen Eighty-Five, they don't make 'em like they used to...just fiddle wid da knobs, static will go away... and o' course they have their own tent, could be a storm! Dem speakers are thirty years old, can't find 'em no more...heh? Wind you say? Could blow the rain in you say? "Ma! Get the saran wrap out in case we get some wind!"

Rules for Underage Drinking


Put your keys in the bucket and set up a tent, you ain't goin' nowhere once your plastered, no sir, we is responsible!



Didja know rent-a-center will even set it up? And you can spread that over thirty-six payments, only thirty dollers a week..(course we only got it for today, so we'll jus' put a hole in the linin' tell 'em it's faulty).



Horse-balls and Corn-hole, finest backyard games since shoes and baddyminton!


Heh? 'course I know we're in NY, lived here all my life!

It's a Birthday Party Too?


Heh? Who's burtday? Oh, that bag, nah, that's jus' Aunt Margie, she don't wanna spend no money on a new bag when she got a perfectly good one she can reuse....saves on global warmin' too, I reckon.

The Food

If there is one thing a hillbilly knows, it's food...or more specifically, it's the right food to have when copious amounts of alcohol (especially beer) is involved.





I didn't get a shot of every dish, which also included a huge pan of baked ziti, a crockpot of meatballs, great big sandwich rolls, macaroni salad, pasta salad, bourbon bacon baked beans....and a veggie tray.

Their Beer


I regret that this is the only photo I took of the beers piled up in their coolers. They also had Budweiser, Miller, Natural "natty" ice, and Milwaukee's Best (The Beast). This having not been my first time at such a shindig, I decided to ignore the "Beer is Here" part of the invitation...

My Beer


If you have never tried a Shocktop and you enjoy a good belgian white, lemon shandy, or citrusy beer of any kind, then these are for you. Light, crisp, and delicious, a perfect beer for summer. And the bottles are colorfully kickass on top of it. Cheers!

The Graduate


A cute girl with her sweet boyfriend


A cute girl with... Umm, scary lady in the back, no need to get rowdy...

"Grandma, she's taking our picture not yours, calm down!"

Small boy on tractor


Oh good, his mom sees him, she'll tell him to stop...or at least watch where he's go..

"James Colt stop messin' around and get the rest of those cases of beer from the back of your daddy's truck!"

Annd nevermind.

The Shirt


At a loss..err, wait, I think the annual mud wrestling matches were going on behind Jack's Tavern...last night...

Pa Socializing


Pa: Got a joke for you, how does a train eat?
Girl: Shrugs
Pa: It goes chew chew. Get it? Heh, hehheh, heh
Girl: Where did my friends go!!


Small Boy on Mini Motor Bike


"Helmet? Pishaw, we never used those darn things when we was kids, we're all still here ain't we?"

(Thought that logic applied to bicycles, my bad...)



My 14 yr old finding a safe use for the trampoline.

The Hat


Result of flirting...


My 14 yr old explains how to get a girl to like you.

You Might Just Be A Redneck...


...if you have hunting outfits for all seasons.

Passed Out


And that there is why we have a bucket for keys, tha's right!

Small Boy Lured Away From Danger...


...For About Five Minutes


(Our Dog Lucy)



And of course, what would a redneck party be without kids playing with fireworks? (Okay, they're just sparklers ;)







Hope you enjoyed the Redneck Graduation, (I definitely did...ah well except when the speakers made my ears bleed with a heavy metal version of Disney's Let it Go...You think I jest?

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


What would a red neck graduation be without a Confederate flag haha.
Looks like everyone was enjoying themselves although the environment seems pretty hectic with loads of things to do.
Great Photographs

Yeah, there was definitely a lot of things set up in that space lol!

Thanks, I was really happy with how the sparklers and smoke turned out :)

A rented tent never has a posh marquee, I hope that's how you spell it been so thoroughly demolished in three words. Lol.

Your shock top beers look ace!!

Hah, definitely not identified as an extravagance, lol!

They are, and based on those you've seemed to like a great deal in your posts I know they'd be your thing ;)

As soon as I saw them I knew you might think that and thought she would be right!!

What's amazing is how closely it resembles a graduation party here, though you could swap out the trampoline with a pool and just remove the confederate flag. I'm not sure if I missed it but who's graduation is this?

I like how your son used the trampoline as a sofa haha Quite innovative actually!

Oh, it was a friend of extended family on Howie's side, lol.

And, I did end up reading all of your posts this morning, I read the first one in the night, but the others super early. I commented on them, you'll see :)

hahahahaha pretty funny. Ur good at writing the red neck lingo ;-)>

LOL, it was a lot of fun to attempt it, that's for sure! Thanks, this comment made my day!!

hahahahahahah awesome!
Grateful to contribute to fulfilment!

Haha - that song cracked me up! Half of it was more than sufficient however. Looks like a grand time was had by all, and what more could you ask for?

It actually took me a minute before I realized what I was listening to, hahaha! And that wasn't the only one, there were some pop songs by women too :)
It was definitely fun, those country folk know how to party!

They sound like your kinda people then.

Well, actually I think the parties I'm most attracted to are with people who can have conversations about all kinds of things around bonfires with people playing instruments and singing :)

That sounds perfect! Back in the (my) day, it wasn't a party unless there was lots of good dance music. But parties with music I like to to dance to are not so common any more.

This made me laugh the entire way through (and I sorely need that today, thank you!) Great choice of beers...loved that the speakers had their own tent. I'm sitting on my patio and had to choke down the laughter so my neighbors wouldn't think I was crazy!

That's awesome, I was hoping to make someone laugh! It was fun to write, and definitely the speakers were the perfect touch haha!!
That's a great image, thanks for making me smile!

Good post @dreemit i'm following you please follow me and give me upvoted.. i really for support from your friends

We gonna have fun, fun, fun, fun!

Hee hee, yes indeed ;)

Hey there....so of course it's totally fine if you don't want to follow me, I just want to make sure it wasn't about the male/female question post. I added to the bottom that while I was mildly curious the question was just for fun, a few people seemed take it too seriously. I don't care if there are more guys, haha, I've loved steemit for seven straight months, so if I've been surrounded by guys it's all good :)

Wait what. What post? Why would i not want to follow you? :d

Some strange things happening with my steemit. And that weird thing that won't let me comment if i won't power up.
"Exceeding limit of something... something... so you have to make transaction or power up" - or something like that. And then couldn't log in.
I don't get what was that. Bug in the chain or...

Oh or maybe it unfollowed when was cleaning followings that i don't read or who spam with posts. Maybe missclicked. But how did you know? You're not following me either lol

Oh, okay! (There's an app that tells you when you're unfollowed and I saw that you were on the list) I look forward to your comments! And the only reason I hadn't followed you back was because you told me you didn't post...but I just realized that you do resteem, so I'll add you to my list :)

I resteem very rarely. And i don't recommend to read my posts, they will be weird lol.

But I like weird! You should give it a shot yaan, you might be surprised :)

Man, I had to go way down the hot feed to find something worth voting,...

Thank you? Haha, I will take that as a compliment ;)

Just sayin' the content quality was sparse,...and then bam!

Redneck party, who doesn't vote that up?

I definitely cannot argue with that, I would feel the same way!

Feels like home😉❤️

Where is home? :)

SE of Portland Oregon on the foothills of the Oregon Cascade Range near Mt Hood near the Eagle Creek Wilderness area. I am a Pacific Northwest Redneck ;-) We have nothing to do with Portland Or Beverton....rolls her eyes.

Ohhh, I have always wanted to go to Oregon, especially the wilderness region! I will make it out there, within the next couple of years, and steem will fund it!

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