Empowered Women: The Dance between our Menstrual Cycle and the Lunar Cycle

in #blog7 years ago

✫ Greetings and blessings to all the beautiful Steemians!
Today I want to share with you some very important content for all of us: great beloved women who seek our healing. The information is about our menstrual cycles, and how these are strongly connected to Mother Moon cycles. 🌙

Empowered Women: The dance between our menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle

Maybe it's not the first time you hear a statement like this, and if so, I hope that by the end of this post you can understand it a little more...

🌙 It is not a secret to us that our ancestors lived with a collective and acute connection of the lunar cycle, much more in direct contact with the cycles of nature; but even if we are in a city, or spend many hours indoors, the moon keeps calling us... What is the relationship between our menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle?


The Moon is the closest star to Earth, that's why all its movements affect the human being in a remarkable way. Above all it affects the woman and her menstrual cycle. Throughout the month, the moon passes through different phases (full, new, growing, waning ...), but our cycle is also different according to the day, place, climate in which we find ourselves. The menstrual cycles last, in general, for 28 days and this is exactly what the cycle of the Moon lasts.

Have you noticed that when many women live together they tend to regulate their menstrual cycle? That's where the magic happens: we all synchronize and receive our menstruation during the same days. And this is explained because we all tend to synchronize with the lunar cycles, which are what mark the cycle of women. The phases of the Moon are what determine, in question, our menstruation.

🌙 We walk at night and suddenly the Moon appears... we see it and it magnetizes us! This post is a call to understand our union with the lunar cycles and let the lunar energy touch our soul and help us to heal.

🌑 🌓 🌕 🌔
I'll be sharing some images I made with the information of the Lunar cycle in relation to our menstrual cycle, but they are in spanish; that's why I'm going to give you a summary after...


Now I will explain a little more each one...





In the images it is reflected:
🌠 Our phase as women: Elder / Maiden / Mother / Witch
🌠 Stage of our menstrual cycle: Menstruation / Pre-ovulation / Ovulation / Pre-menstruation
🌠 Stage of the Moon: New / Growing / Full / Waning
🌠 Useful information about the cycle in which we are.


Now I will explain the images content, which as you already know, it's related to our cycle synchronized to the moon's.

Each of the four phases of the lunar cycle is characterized by the emergence of a certain archetypal energy type.

At around the last waning crescent, dark, or New Moon phases, and when we ourselves are bleeding, the first of the four energy main types reveals herself and ask for embodiment: meet the Wise Inner Woman. The Wise Inner Woman archetype may bring with her physical pain, tiredness and the need to slow down. She may bring emotional sensitivity, introspection, or even feelings of being disoriented. But these sensations are all signals that an important transition is happening, as this archetype heralds the onset of a metaphorical death, and with it: renewal. 🌑

The Maiden/Virgin archetype is the energy type that we embody during the pre-ovulation, or follicular phase of our own, personal moon cycles (when our bleeding has just finished).The Maiden embodies purity and independence, strength and an uncorrupted nature. Imagine the fresh, rising energy of an emerging young woman, full of enthusiasm and authenticity. Someone with an intelligent, practical attitude who can plan, organise and confidently foresee what’s coming, seeming stunningly confident in her skin. 🌓

The Mother archetype comes to life most strongly during our ovulatory phase, and at around the time when the Moon reaches fullness in her cycle. It contains so much more than our stereotypes about this word will often allow! She reaches further and encompasses so much more than just birthing and nurturing (children, ideas, projects – whatever you are the creator of), encompassing inner strength and wisdom, ingenuity and artfulness and sacred care-taking. And this is the phase when we are at our most intrinsically connected to the great Earth Mother, Gaia. 🌕

The ‘Enchantress’, ‘Medicine Woman’ or even the ‘Wild Woman’ archetype appears in the waning moon, when the creative, magnetic, expansive and sustaining phases of our cycles are coming to their natural close, a transition happens, and in order for the whole cycle to keep on turning, a time of introspection and increased focus on the self, must be embraced. The Enchantress is the healer, the medicine woman that resides in each of us and knows that you can’t keep fighting forward if you don’t properly reflect, accept, and integrate all of the experiences that are picked up along the way. She knows that real healing isn’t a matter of taking a pill, sticking on a plaster, putting on a brave face and carrying on regardless. She knows that time and energy needs to be committed, to journey to the root of a problem – back through all of the subtle bodies so that each broken part can be tended to. 🌔

Dear sisters, with this call, let the Moon continue to touch us, more and more, on its journey through the sky ... Look for it, feel it, talk it, contemplate it ... Every time you find it, embrate yourself from its messages!

Any comment or doubt, I welcome you with my heart.
With lots of love,

✪ 🌙 Blessings! ✫ 🌠


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Qué gusto encontrarte en estos caminos, @dinaluna, y seguir cada una de tus fases.
Tu luz sigue brillando, iluminando siempre nuestros pasos.
Recibe de mí, con muchas bendiciones, un caluroso beso cumanés.

Profesor... @oacevedo que emotivas palabras que provocan en mi alegría y nostalgia. Gracias por leerme, es para mi un placer compartir esta sagrada información. Beso recibido y en retorno. Desde tierras lejanas, extrañando mi hermosa ciudad, su gente y su calor.

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