Food for Thought America: We always are told we're crumbling, but does that actually lead to our advancement? The Phenomenon that propels America forward.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

The Phenomenon of Imminent Decline

One thing I don't think you can escape when having a conversation with someone about the current state of America, is how bad it has gotten and how the country is falling apart at the seams. And if you think it is just recent years.....well I took the liberty of reading newspaper pieces from the recent decades and this is not a new phenomenon. Since the United States emerged as an economic and military juggernaut after WWII, "experts" and everyday citizens alike have been sounding the trumpets on America's decline and collapse.

At the hands of a rival nation like Russia or China. At the hands of our greed and manipulation of fiat currency. At the hands of our militaristic endeavors forging enemies that lead to our downfall. American's aren’t smart enough; other countries are winning. America isn't healthy enough, other countries are better. America isn't free anymore. Our country has lost all values, our country has no opportunity anymore, our country is losing its wealth. We have all heard these many of time, but why is this such an integral cog of American culture? Because it makes us better.

It's like a parent who's constantly on a child's case for everything they do. It doesn't matter if they are doing it the best, it is never good enough. They are never satisfied. No matter what that child wants to do or believes, he still will have it in the back of his mind. He will find himself dedicating attention to improving the areas they are "deficient" in.
We hear the younger generations are lazy. Statistics show they work more hours and take less sick days. We hear our military is falling apart and has become weak./ineffective, but our defense spending and military presence around the world has increased (spending pct to GDP ratio has very much stayed the same). I could go on, but I think we get the jist. We could also get boged down with some handpicked examples, but this is speaking to the broader position of the country.

This is not to say America doesn't have its flaws we need to address, but this narrative that this country is in a death spiral, besieged on all sides, is not the truth; It hasn't been for decades. This country has continued to prosper in the face of many threats, and I would make the argument some of that has to do with the self-policing culture the United States has cultivated. It has tried to thwart and combat complacency seen after sufficient wealth is created.
It seems like a double edge sword. As we fight and slave to maintain and grow our wealth, a lot of us forget to enjoy our lives to the fullest. We work too much, let our relationships fall into disarray, pay less attention to our children and our own health.

This isn't strictly an American phenomenon either, but to degree it manifests and proliferates throughout our culture, makes it unique. I don't see this changing either as the global consciousness continues to increase during the digital age. It is very easy to get caught up in, and I hope we (not just Americans, but everyone) can step back from that mayhem and glance around to enjoy where we are in life and what we have been gifted.

Peace Steemians (: Let me know your thoughts.


I can't really comment on how things are in the states as I'm over in the uk, but I also spent a few years living in Germany too so have a little perspective from there. I think the points which you make which would lead to the idea of America being in decline are echoed around Europe too. As you point out, GdP, and influence both militarily and economically are still doing very good. However, you also say that young people are working harder than before as well as being labeled (often but not always) as lazy. For me the American dream is that we can work at whatever we want, and if we work hard enough at it we will be rewarded. However more people are seeing this not to be the case, with wealth being concentrated in an ever shrinking number of accounts while I am expected to pay 10 times the price for a house than 25 years ago on a wage that when adjusted for inflation is now less, even though I'm working twice the hours. So while america the nation state might be doing very well, the dream itself is dying.
That's my little rant /observation. Feel free to correct me if you feel I've got something wrong in my Analysis.

Thanks for the thoughtful response and you certainly bring up some good points that i didn't touch on. The affordability of a home along with stagnant wages is a a barrier to the dream. Now student debt also.

Nice. Vote and follow me moexyn19

Interesting post. Well said.

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