Make Democracy Great Again !!!!!!

in #blog7 years ago

Democracy has been bastardized into something far removed from its original meaning. Today our experience of democracy is an insult to our intelligence. We are ridiculously expected to believe and accept that democracy is voting once every four years for a representative that will make unilateral decisions without your consent. The electorate need a layer of direct democracy to hold their elected representatives accountable and to make them truly representative. The citizens need an online direct democracy platform to vote on all pending bills, laws, and government actions.

Real democracy is the will of the people. Referendums, initiatives and recall have been historically used by voters in many countries at many levels of government mostly with satisfactory results. Compare this to the dismal undemocratic policymaking of our elected representatives and it should be clear that the next level of societal evolution will revolve around direct democracy.


We can have 3 modes of daily direct democracy. Monetary - we need free money votes though. Labour/ideas - who you help and support makes some things happen and others not. And liquid democracy for managing natural monopolies. And we can create this now see my book Fluidity the way to true democratia and bitnation who are working towards similar.

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