Watching from afar, civilisation - google-false flags & tv, no thank you to all of it.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Watching from afar, civilisation - google-false flags & tv, no thank you to all of it.

If you own a tv throw it out of the window, or just never watch the fake news on it. I gave up on tv right around the 9/11 false flag, with aeroplanes wings disappearing behind a building to the left, that was behind the tower it had not even hit yet.

Let's start with the term false flag, pirates used to hoist a friendly flag to approach other ships with the aim being to rob them blind, and blow them out of the water, they taught governments well how to do the same things, and they have ever since.

Allow me to show you my tv set, I am at this set every day, all day.



I read the most amusing thing today, that youtube (has run out of censorship ideas hahhahhah) says it has a problem with conspiracy theorists, yes those nasty people that see through the bullshit are running amok, so they want to put an end to it, without it costing them ermmmm anything, the bright idea they have issssss? to link to the easily edited by anyone Wikipedia, well done to google and youtube, I hereby bestow upon you tight arse idiots, the idiot corporation of the year award original article here

So in the interest of keeping it fair, I offer my fellow see through the bullshit people a 3 step guide.

  • 1 edit Wikipedia first on the event you want to make a video on.
  • 2 Make the video and upload it straight away.
  • 3 Have a mate that keeps copy & pasting what you edited in, every time the fruit cakes edit it back out.

Voila as the French say, or jobs a good un as I say.

Seriously if you use google - don't, just use duckduckgo instead, if you have a tv, refuse to watch the propaganda news, it really is that simple, also boycott hollyweird, and set your mind free, trust me, there is a beautiful world out here, when you let go of the fear and lies.




It is one of the reasons I left the UK, I was watching so many good friends become drones or parrots, saying the same fear mongering crap every day, without knowing why, they also watched big brother, and the Kardashians, only they know why. They were not always that brain dead, it happened over time I guess.




At the end of the tunnel, when you break out, you will find me, with open arms, no I am not a god or leader, just a geezer (man) that is free, and I await everyone else.


As always, love - peace and respect to all, have a fantastic week.

Farm land photo is mine.
other pictures are from pixaby and open to fair use.
The bike is mine.
The empty crate of beer bottles in the back of the bike photo was my fault also.
Nobody died in the making of this article.
Not even a single animal was injured.
This advice is only for entertainment purposes, seek medical help for serious mind problems.
Is ranch about to give me 300 dollar :-)



I've been using duckduckgo for a few months now too :)

9/11 was my wake-up call but not until I reviewed old youtube videos of the events in 2012 (purely for macabre reasons I suppose) and I saw the 'recommended' list on the right hand side and BOOM! I unwittingly headed down the rabbit hole. Here I am in 2018 with more questions than answers still but I wouldn't have it any other way now.

I've got that 'splinter in my mind' with society in general nowadays, I think the vast majority of folk these days couldn't handle the truth if it was all dropped in front of them. Cognitive Dissonance is such a warm and fluffy 'comfort blanket' to many.

Any hoo, I think that's the correct terminology :)

I could not have said it any better if I tried, I am so glad to find another that sees through the bs also, I tend to find being called a conspiracy theorist a badge of honour now, like someone giving me a gold medal for critical thinking, instead of a pat on the back for believing the corporate bile they push through the so called "news".

I only watch BBC Breakfast for the weather forecast, I tend to find there other agenda-driven content (along with other lamestream media) usually nauseating.

I occasionally bring up my thoughts on the grand solar minimum/weather extremes and coming mass-crop losses to a couple of good mates but usually give in to their indoctrinated views; maybe I should see it as a 'badge of honour' too ;)

Ask those nay sayer friends, how the bbc managed to say wt7 had collapsed a full 23 minutes before it had, as it was standing in the background behind the presenter saying it had fallen. The bbc blamed Reuters, surely such a classie world news provider should then investigate Reuters, erm nope, quite the opposite. Fore once they open their mind to that 1 event, the whole rabbit hole effect snowballs, as we both know. :-)

That's such a classic moment in the whole 9/11 'event'. Ahh, the only 3 ever 'to collapse in their own footprint due to fire' happenings all happening on the same day. What are the chances of that?

I've given up on saying owt more to them now bud, I've told them what I think is/has happened; it's up to them as to whether they prepare now. I'm starting veggie growing this year at my mother's (no garden at home) to try and mitigate to a degree the coming food crisis, I'm still in 'noob mode' re: veggies.

Ditched cable some time ago and duckduckgo is my default engine. Something seems amiss with the official narrative concerning 911, to me, yet you may be interested to see a debunking of the missing wing using Google Earth.

The missing wing matters not my friend, we all know that event was a fraud, for perpetual war, within the middle east, at least we are now in the majority, as 82% do not believe it worldwide. Good on you for finding duckduckgo and using it, you are heading in the right direction, I salute you my friend.

Yes! 9/11, right back to the moon landing? And a few viral epidemics thrown in ... the puppetmasters laughing all the way to their banks. Weather wars (heavy snow in spring? - just a thought), HAARP, Cern ... no TV in our house, although we live stream sport now and then. I also found duckduckgo at my brother's gym while looking for a Proteas/India match a while back.

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