Travel 101 - My Top 5 Safety Guidelines

in #blog7 years ago

Magandang Umaga/Good Morning Steemit Fretz!

Welcome to my Travel 101 Series, where you'll get tips and tricks on how to make your travels and adventures a hassle-free trip. You're going to learn the ropes of how to become a stress-free traveler.

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Travel with Caution

Traveling is not just about having the time of your life and having a good time. You also need to make sure that wherever you go you are on guard and not just going all touristy without even taking the necessary steps to make sure of your safety.

My fretz and I, we may look that are just in the moment kind of peeps but we look after each other at all times. Even if we do some dangerous stuff, we always make certain that it is safe and it is something that we are capable of doing.

Safety Guidelines

Here are my Top 5 Travel Guidelines to follow to make sure you’ll have a safe trip all throughout:

1. Pick your Transportation Wisely

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Even if you’re on a budget, never forsake your safety. Just like picking the transportation when going on tour. You need to see if the van/car has seatbelts in it. Sometimes, you can easily evaluate it on how smoothly the ride is going. If you find that the ride is like bumpy and jumpy even if you’re passing on a smooth surface or the van/car makes a weird screech then there’s something wrong with your van/car. You have to tell the driver right away so you can go back and change van/car.

2. Check Exits

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When you visit a place, may it be a resort, hotel or dorm you should check that the place you’re staying is safe and sound. Before checking out the amenities and doing photo ops, the first on your priority list is to check out the exit points.

Most the time, hotels and resorts, attach a map at the back of your hotel door. Check carefully the emergency exit doors. Check if it is working. Ask some help, if the exit doors are locked. They should be accessible all the time

I am guilty of not checking exit points. But I always try my best and keep this in mind while traveling. My sister and my mom are pretty good at that. They make sure that before they have some fun they know where the exit points are.

3. Let your Loved Ones Know Where You’re Going

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Unplugging for the social world is pretty ideal while on vacation but don’t go too drastic about that, especially when you are a solo traveler. Always leave your travel itinerary to your loved ones back home. Always text or call every day so they’ll know that you are safe and will be alert right away if anything suspicious happens.

I tell my mom and give her a call when I’ve landed safely and when I arrive at the hotel. Next time, I’ll have to tell her which hotel I’m staying at all times (This I miss to do at times).

4. Look after your Cash and Gadgets

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Best that you have your money separated. You should have your spending cash and your spare cash. In this way, you do not have to show off a bulk of cash when paying up. You’ll be the target of robbers. Smart phones should be kept all the time and best that you minimize using if it’s unnecessary, especially when on the street.

I’m very cautious when it comes to my cash. Because if I’d lose it, I might end up broke the whole trip. I have two bags and my backpack and body bag (a small pouch or bag that I can easily put my camera and my spending cash that I can easily keep an eye on), whilst my spare cash somewhere inserted on my backpack.

5. Keep Important Documents Safe

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Passports, IDs, travel documents should be placed in one bag and make sure that you won’t leave them unattended.

Make sure that your tickets and your passports are also kept dry. It can’t be helped that the weather may not be in your favor. You can make sure that these documents are dry by putting them on a ziplock or by a water resistant bag. ^^

Before boarding time, I’ve tried losing my airplane ticket when we went to Cagayan. I lost it in the restroom. My fret Wee was a bit mad since we’re almost up. Good thing her partner, Paolo helped me out an approach an airline staff to print me a new one. From then on, when @junvebbei is around I usually leave my ticket with her. (Thanks fret!)

Currently, you don’t need to print a copy of your ticket as long as you have it on your phone. Always have a back up when it comes to these kinds of things.

I do hope you’ve learned something today. Have a blast my fretz!


A lot of times they will have a safe deposit box. We put our passports there to keep them safe.

Never thought about checking exits, but I will make a mental note myself.

Yes. The exist and letting loved one know is a bit

Yeap, caution is required... I sometimes watch that documentary "Banged up Abroad"... always makes me consider these travelling dangers.
By the way, the post looks amazing. Cheers!

Great tips Dawn. Although I have been on some dodgy transportation. Actually, my next Egypt memory will be about the non-sleeper train that we went on. And I've never been too good at the letting loved ones know part either.

I'd love to read that Helen. ^^ Yes, letting loved ones know is a must. That's what I'll try to do next time.

I will remember these tips when I travel, thanks kabayan @dawnsheree for sharing ...

You're very welcome po!

A good complete and summarized guide, everything a traveler needs. Highly recommended

Indeed! @ev3ything thanks for dropping by!

Peace and Love to you!

thank you ,and you so much :)

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