Understanding Job Interview - Best People Fits the Job

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

As a Store Manager of a retail store, one of my roles is to have a team that will support each other all the way without compromising company standards and policies. A group of people that will work together as a team without having any negative issues whether they came from a different school, town and etc., without any barriers.

Each person has a different level of skills which can be enhanced along the way of training. Some can be a fast learner, where learning can be achieved in just a few and simple instructions. While there are some that are having a hard time learning new things, that they needed detailed training where hands-on should be present.

But it's okay, every people have different learning preferences and that is why every company requires training to mold newly hired individuals. Besides, no one is being born with a right knowledge of everything, we can only learn through experiences, which is 70% of the learning phase.


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Aside from different skill level, every individual also has different behaviors, which sometimes become a burden once being board on the job. Much worst if stayed longer. Behavior comes from different beliefs in life, whether came from a broken family, has lived independently for the longest time, adapted from surroundings, and a lot more. And meeting a person once, cannot uncover their true attitude.

In order for my team to have a positive working relationship with peers, and to ensure that they won't get demotivated, I should use my **best judgment ** when adding a new member to the team. I must ensure providing a "boarding pass" to right one. Or else, every one of us might fall.

Yes! "Judgement". Adding a new member to the team is my role through interviewing an applicant. And these applicant's personality is beyond my knowledge. Every interviewer is only judging every applicant through a set of questions. They are trying to know each of the applicants in a short span of time. For me, social media pages can be of help in knowing more about the applicant, that if it's not in private mode.

As an interviewer, may I share you some of the questions I ask to ensure that I will be hiring the right person that will fit for the job.

What do you know about the company?

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In this question, most of the interviewer is expecting the applicant had read about the company. Whether about its history or service being offered by the company. In this way, we will know how interested the applicant with the job.

Exerting an effort in researching gives a plus factor. For me, this shows that applicants have an interest in learning more about the job he's about to join in. And retaining some information through reading the first time shows me that the applicant is capable of learning by own using resources that he/she already has.

An applicant may mention that company status in society, clients and employees. A little bit of history can be shared but be sure names and years are accurate.

Why did you choose our company?

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In all business fields, competition is always present. One thing or another there is another company that has the same field and masterpiece as ours. So this question really matters, as through the applicant's answer to this question, we can measure how long will the applicant can stay in the company if hired.

With my experience interviewing, applicants having a hard time answering this question. Especially in our field. As a coffee shop, we have big numbers of competitors, and the most applicant cannot answer this question because they are just trying their luck in every company. Whichever comes first or has higher pay grade, they grab it without any plans of staying longer and be developed.

Every company's aim is to develop employees to the higher position from the inside. And this search is being started as early as the job interview. We are looking for potential growth and not those who will just come in to earn and then go.

How did you earn friends back in the first day in college?

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Look back during your first day in the university, where you don't know anyone? How did you start to get acquainted? - This kind of question leads an answer to what kind of a team player are you. Being in a new field for another time, and since we are looking for a potential leader from the very first day, we need to know how confident are the applicants when it comes to meeting new people. And in this way as well, we can measure their team player attitude, as they are about to work with a team and not alone.

Most applicant answer this question is through initiating conversation. But what kind of conversation is that? What topic have you inserted into your first conversation, and how did you come up with that topic? An applicant can also tell the interviewer why did you choose that certain person that you had a conversation with, that started you friendship and growth.

Sell yourself to me, and convince that you can do the job.


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On every interview that I had, I always give them a chance to sell their self to me. Convince me that they are the one and that I don't have to look for another.

In every interview, applicants are always "best foot forward". Of course, they will tell that they are the right one for the job. But how can they say that, how can an applicant convince the interviewer? It depends on the answer.

In our field of work, since we are in a retail store, I am always looking for an answer that they are used to do washing dishes at home, cleaning house or bussing table if they have a small business for a time. But it's not that they will only and tell me that they do it. Man, I grew up without doing any errands at home, not until I get to 20ish. So prove to the interviewer that you really do such and the company will not be worried about an applicant leaving the company when they get tired.

What kind of a child are you?

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This kind of question is always my last shot, and this is my favorite question. I asked, what kind of a daughter or a son are you?. I want to know how they grow as a child, how do they respect their parents or do they respect them.

With this question, I get to slightly know the behavior of an applicant. Which for me, is the most important factor in every employee. I care less about the skill or learning level, as this can be learned, and I can be taught. I can coach them to be better when it comes to skills. But "behavior" cannot be taught.

Our behavior comes from the way live our life, and that mostly seen from our parents. The way we respect our parents is the way we respect people. If one had grown without care and love of parents, chances are, they have grown without respect to anyone.

Sometimes, a child has grown with other people, either grandparent, godparents, or any other relatives. They can be considered as parents. When I say parents, I refer to those people who took care of you while you are growing up. Not specifically the one who gave birth to us.

Don't get me wrong, I know most of the applicant are living independently or choose to live without any care of the older ones, but shows great respect for every individual. But it depends on how the applicant will react to my "favorite" question. In this way, I get a higher chance of hiring a people that will pay respect and has dignity in they will do. Then the skills can be trained.

Every day, as a Store Manager, aside from managing the business that entrusted to me, I MUST also ensure that the people who is working with me, or should I say, my team has the best people to work with. No bystanders, and No "Prince and Princess of the Pitty Party".

All informations served were my honest opinion and experience. I mean no harm to people who will read this or to any one who can relate to the same story as my posts. This is made only to share my experience.

Thank You!





If you asked an applicant "why should we hire you?" And the reply is "why not, sir?" How should you respond? 😊

Have you asked that before?

Well, that would be the end of the conversation. lol.

prankly, I would say that there a lot of applicants that can have a better criteria to be part of our company. And asking that kind of question to the interviewer would show an arrogant behavior and would lead to not being hired.

Hahaha! "Thank you for applying, NEXT PLEASE!"

wow cool questions! I like the college friends question =)

My previous employer looked at my resume, and then toore it in pieces. he said "there's nothing of value for me here, why should I hire you?". This made me laugh and I didn't know what to say, so I told him, well, I have a good sense of humor.

Somehow he must have liked the response, because he hired me =)

hahaha.. that was cool @evecab. Yeah, even for me, resume doesn't work anymore. More often, all resumes has the same informations, especially in "objective" part. That is why I do not rely on resume alone. lol. Better to ask more about their daily living to know more about their behavior.

thanks for dropping @evecab.

Dante is here, No Fear

Thank you @dante31. Cool signature you got there.

Reading this reminds me why I am an entrepreneur and wouldn't want it any other way, :)

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