@darthnava Update: Expressing My Gratitude to the Steemit Community

in #blog7 years ago

Me and my Mama last Holy Week during April at The Divine Mercy Shrine, a Catholic monument in El Salvador, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. It features a 15.24 meter statue of Jesus as the Divine Mercy.

I would like to express my deep gratitude and thanks to the Steemit Community led by the saintly @papa-pepper for resteeming my unexpected "miracle votes post", then donating liquid Steem and SBD as help for funding my planned surgery. @papa-pepper is a true saint showing the right way to help others in need. Why, if I was the Pope, I'd canonize him.

I plan to list all you guys who helped contributed in my next post as thanks. I hope it won't take too long to make it.

You guys rock!!! My post shows that the Steemit platform is a social media force to be reckoned with. That's why we Steemers only need to upvote as one and we can solve many problems even for our members in dire need!

My "miracle votes" post might have made Steemit history and I am at loss for words! The community is amazing! If, God willing, all goes smoothly, my post will be in the same league as that famous Steemer whose post got the largest payout and whose name escapes me for the moment. What a pity that it took my ailment to post about to do it.

So what's up with you, @darthnava?

The bitcoin to fiat exchange site here in my country only allows limit of up to $1000 withdrawals every 24 hours because of Philippine Central Bank regulations. That's why I'm gradually withdrawing the donated Steem and SBD.

Meanwhile as I wait for the cash to accumulate here to pay for Surgery, the doctor gave me a prescription to ease the back pains.

I will have to make an appointment with the spine doctor then to schedule the surgery. The titanium can only be ordered from Manila with the med tech representative present offering the set of titanium of various measurements for the doctor to choose from (whatever fits) during surgery.

I will keep up with the updates, my fellow Steemers. Thanks a lot again. May God Bless you all.

Follow me as @darthnava: "The Will to blog post is greater than Steem."



I was just one of many, but what a great community!

Congratulations on the blessings that you have received in this time of need!

just submitted your MRI post to the @randowhale, looks like it added around another $100 or so as well!

Best of luck with your surgery and that all goes smoothly for you!

Hey, thanks a lot! I plan to reply to all but my main job and time constraints make it a long daily process. You are great!

You are great!

Thanks, but really it's the community here that's great!
Take your time, and focus on healing and getting well!

get well soon buddy!!

You set a great example, @papa-pepper, and inspired others to follow!

I will write it here again as in the previous post! Good luck :)

I hope everything will be ok for you. Fingers crossed!

Thank you for the update my friend @darthnava
And thank you @papa-pepper and all those that sharing and caring, this shows that the world even when it is surrounded by the wicked one the few good ones can make it a paradise earth. Get well soon.

This is the kind of stuff that will show the world the power of Steem, and the blockchain! Happy you got what you needed man!

Best wishes in recovery!

all the best @darthnava, I hope this is the beginning of a long winning streak for you in life

an amazing story, following your progress with great interest. with all the darkness in the world, this brings light.

You're great! Power of good people is endless :-)!

It's great to see that the Steemit community was able to help you when you needed it. God bless!

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