Do You Believe In Mind Over Matter ?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

The mind is a very powerful thing, because in a sense it creates our reality. What we think ultimately determines what we can and can not do, as well as what we can and can not see.


"Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world."

  • Albert Einstein
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    If one of the smartest persons ever to live said this, perhaps we should think more carefully next time we think? Because according to him, it is our thoughts that create physical concepts and not the power of the external world.


The way I see it is that either we are a mirror of the world or the world is our mirror. That means either we let the world, the environment, and the people around us determine who we are. Or we look deep within and believe in what we want to be, and the world around us will be reflected in our image and adopt itself to our thoughts.


I don't know about you but I think shaping the world is more interesting than constantly being shaped by it. I want to leave some kind of footprint and make sure I mattered in the life time I lived.
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Now that doesn't mean I have to become the president of a country, or become a famous athlete or movie star. For me it simply means that I want to be who I am and I want that person to matter to the ones around me.
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Having said this I believe that there is nothing more important than being yourself. We might be smart, but we can't trick our mind. If we want something, or want to become something we shouldn't listen to others thoughts, but instead search for our own voice and let it echo until it transcends into the reality we want for ourselves.
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Yes I think it is always good to strive to set your own direction where ever possible and not let society or your piers constraints be forced upon you

Exactly, we only live this once, and times passes fast, so atleast we should make sure to live life they way we want to in the direction that makes sense for ourselves- thanks for your comment !

Your welcome, and have a good night

Thanks buddy enjoy you day !

Doing my best to thanks :)

Totally agree with being yourself! Ive always sided with Merle Haggard where he wrote; I wear my own kind of hat!

That's a nice way of putting it ! Thanks for your comment :)

Hi @dandesign86 Enjoyed your post! I am new to Steemit just started on it last week but have been writing for a while on mindfulness and how we create our reality/future. Really like how you did a short post and got the idea across so clearly. Will upvote you and follow you:-)

I do believe in it. I think that our consciousness has a lot more of an influence/effect on what manifests in our life than most people realise. With practice, I do believe that we have the ability to change/manipulate our experience of reality with our minds.

The manifestations of results won't be immediate...they would take time. But I do think it is possible.

Very good point, without persistence we won't get anywhere, because it's the combination of will and time that will transform, we can't expect change overnight !

To manage my mind and to prove to myself my mind can be strong was actually the reason to start wim hof for me.

Yes this man certainly knows what mind over matter means. Climbing Mount Everest in just shorts does take some will power. Actually I just realized something. Until I read your post I didn't know who wim hof was. After reading I was surprised that I hadn't heard about him before. He breaks world records like they are glass
Tiles. I think a lot of other people don't know a lot about wim hof either. You should make a post about him and how he inspires you ! I'm sure many people would be fascinated to read it !

Good idea. I will do that.

He got a lot of momentum atm through several podcasts like Joe Rogan.

Really an amazing person, truly inspiring!

Really nice post, Dan!

I love the new style that you are doing here. I think the post could benefit from 1-3 titles and maybe the highlighting of a few sentences. But you are improving and I like that a lot.

Regarding mind over matter I believe we can and must direct our mind to what we want to achieve. Then we are much more likely to put in the work it requires. Using Steemit as a tool in that process can be an amazing instant gratification to keep up our motivation.

Thanks a lot for your comment. As I said before it was your comment on one of my earlier posts that inspired this post- so thank you for that !
I should definitely work more on the structure of the post, but atleast it's going in a positive direction- so that's good !

I also find that Steemit is a good tool for us to communicate our goals and thoughts, and by creating conversations with different points of view we can find inspiration and strength to move closer to our goal.

Here speaks the german perfectionist:) Even La Vida Pura didn't change that perfectionism:))

No and my Ascendent in Virgo neither. ;)

I agree that we should not let the world shape us because it's constantly changing. When people do this, we can see that the impact is usually negative. For instance, a murderer or a rapist might justify his actions because he/she was raped as a child, or lived in an abusive household which hardened them to the point where they have no idea what empathy is. On the other hand, there are those who have been exposed to terrible things, but despite their environment, they chose (with hard work and persistence) to not let that shape who they are or determine their future. Like you said, it should be matter over mind.

Thanks a lot for your comment ! I think you bring up an interesting point. Some people blame their surrounding and point their fingers at the people around them blaiming them for who they are. These people that blame others will never change as they let their surrounding decide who they are.
But as you say with persistence and strong will they can still become exactly the kind of person the want to be !

You're welcome. Exactly my point! We shouldn't allow our environment/surroundings dictate what kind of person we become :) we can Happen to Life!...
...and not life just happening to us!

That's nicely put ! Very positive way to look at it :)

The power of will is never to be underestimated. Even if we can't control 100% of what's going on in our surroundings, we can control how we react to it.

That is an excellent point ☝️ My dad always told me, you decide how you want to feel. It takes practice and patience but it is definitely true . Thanks for this commment !

Your father is an wise man.

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