4 Ways to Cope With Negative Feelings During Pregnancy

in #blog6 years ago


Pregnancy is a time of great change. As a woman's body changes, her emotions change as well. When you experience negative feelings or fear during your pregnancy, your first instinct may be to hide or suppress those feelings. This isn't the best thing to do. You should accept your negative feelings as a normal part of pregnancy. These feelings are caused by the uncertainty of the future. Making a list of your negative feelings and thinking about why you are feeling those negative feelings may help you to work past the feelings and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.


Some negative feelings during pregnancy come from fear of labor and delivery. Take a childbirth class and visit the hospital or birthing center where you plan to give birth. This will give you all the chance to learn what to expect during your birthing experience. The nurses where you will deliver and your childbirth educator can answer any questions that you have about the policies and procedures that will govern parts of your labor and delivery. In addition to doing these things, you can talk to your doctor about any further questions or concerns that you have concerning your upcoming labor and delivery. For example, if you are worried about pain relief, ask your doctor to discuss your options with you. The same goes if you are worried about having a C-Section. Fear of pain and C-Section are two of the main causes of negative thoughts during pregnancy.


Understanding how your life will change once the baby is born will help you to cope with any negative feelings towards your pregnancy or your unborn baby. If you plan in advance how you will do things once the baby is born, you will feel more prepared for his arrival. For example, a trip to the grocery store will entail a diaper bag, car seat and maybe a stroller. The more prepared you are for your baby, the better you will feel. Make sure that you think about the positive ways that your life will change once your baby is born. Focus on the smiles, unconditional love and the milestones that you will enjoy with your new baby.


If the negative feelings you are having during your pregnancy are affecting your daily life, you should seek help from a mental health professional. Your primary care physician can give you a referral. If you prefer your counseling to be religion based, make an appointment to see your pastor, priest or other religious leader. It is especially important to seek immediate professional help if your negative feelings lead you to want to hurt yourself or others.

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