STEEM MOON SHOT SOONsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog5 years ago (edited)


Contrary to BITCOIN, alt coins like STEEM have been suffering for over a year, most of them being extremely undervalue and have gone down over 98% of their all time high price, STEEM went from $8.19 (Coingecko Data) to its current $0.13 and I still think that soon we will see STEEM at $0.10.


Its hard to see this prices for everyone who bought at ATH or even at $1.00 a cut down of over 90% sounds crazy but on 2017 ALT COINS where extremely overvalue, there were a lot of fairy tails same as on the DOT COM bubble in that I do agree that the DOT COM and CRYPTO bubble were very similar a lot of broken dreams like SUBSTRATUM from a lot of promises next to nothing. In the other hand STEEM had its ups and downs, as any other project some mile stones are delay but against most odds of a bear market and the sentiment of investors the project still going with more development, more marketing and it remains as one of the most use blockchains in the world.

STEEM is part of the top five most used coins around the world, with tons of active users creating content and curating, as many others on this market I bought STEEM on many levels at $1.60 then at $1 then at $0.60 thinking at what point would STEEM stop dropping until I finally understand that it was extremely overvalue at its all time high and it had to drop, with a circulating supply over 100M it should drop enough until others stop selling and everyone on the this project come aboard and start to believe again, I think STEEM is finally healing but thats also is because of all the DAPPS and projects that are poping within the STEEM blockchain, its not just a blogging site with and old theme very 90ish, now days STEEM is way more than that with the ability to run smart contracts, STEEM Tribes and most important STEEM DAPPS, the project is evolving and we are starting to see this reflected on the price action, right now its traveling within a nice channel forming a bottom as some other altcoins but I believe that its because people are starting to appreciate more STEEM as a blockchain project.


It is a nice opportunity to buy such and undervalue asset like STEEM, now that its so low its the right time to buy and I'm almost sure that within a couple of weeks or month a short term pump is coming based on the formation that the STEEM chart is creating.

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Good Luck, Thanks

@tipU @dclick

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