ALTCOIN MARKET DOOM - TRADING TODAY #0007steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog5 years ago


For the past two weeks I trade altcoins, saw an opportunity and took it on five mayor altcoins
2- ETHEREUM - Brake even, got out, enter too late
3- XRP - 15%
4- TRON - 22%
5- STEEM - Havent sold

So overall over 10% gains, in my case that's good enough for several reasons:
1-Not trading based on news or chat groups just pure technical analysis
2-Knew my target before I enter the trade
3-Didnt loose any crypto, that's the hardest part to achieve

After this trade I decided to step out of the alt coin market and start again the analysis of the alts I recently trade, their momentum, check if any past news or upcoming events and start review their chart status if any patterns or trend are forming and it was not any altcoin specifically that got me to think the ALTCOIN MARKET DOOM is coming, it was the entire altcoin market chart.


With current Bitcoin bearish situation the altcoin market will be affected again and I recently notice a big gap that was left behind before the 2017 bull market started, right now we are trading a support box (yellow support box on picture above) that is critical, same as Bitcoin as we can see the altcoin market form a rounded bottom and scale up, PINK CURVE


As we all know altcoins tend to do the opposite of Bitcoin but at the same time is very similar, you would think how come both and its basic, altcoins get their volume from Bitcoin gains most traders buy and trade Bitcoin before alts so now we see a very similar chart like Bitcoin did a rounded bottom, after that pump bit over 130% and now is coming back down, does that sounds familiar.

From Bitcoin to Atlcoins what the crypto market is painting for now is a drop of every single coin or token out the there without any exclusion, unless we get another HUGE GREEN candle like we did back on april 2, 2019


I will continue to post tech analysis on my favorite coins to buy if this doom drop comes, I also mention a few price targets I will be looking for on this post

Hope this helps you and remember this post is just to document my journey through crypto and I could be TOTALLY WRONG ABOUT ALL THIS.


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Good Luck, Thanks

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