Why I stopped sleeping during the day and switched over to the night

in #blog6 years ago

I used to be awake during the night all the time. Work, fun, computer stuff. Life is easier when the sky is dark and everyone is sleeping. Nobody screams, nobody walks. I can focus on my stuff and I can even imagine that I'm alone.

Being a night owl is a pleasurable activity. I can imagine I'm a bat or a vampire, a simple night creature with nightly habits. However, I started having headaches lately, and backaches. I started noticing that even if I wanted to hang out during the day, I couldn't because I had to sleep. I get really sleepy when I don't sleep for a few hours beyond my night time.

I couldn't be a private detective or anything time intensive. I really need my sleep or I stop functioning.

After a while of struggling with everything, I started to contemplate the idea of sleeping during the night and being alive during the day. It's not an easy thought. Giving up tears away our pride. I felt weak and normal. We never want to be just anybody else, but we're always reminded of how ordinary we are. I'm a mortal just like anybody else, and even more so.

I'll probably die young. A fast metabolism is proven to lead to a shorter life. And mine is like a race car. I have to eat every few hours and I'm so skinny my dad likes to call me a toothpick. Skinny marshmallows are like short straws.

And every day I contemplated the idea of not sleeping during the day and waiting for the night, I would imagine myself to be a nun obeying the laws of an imaginary Lord called social norm. Then I would remember, as I always do, that I am a mortal. They are not social norms but the laws of nature.

Sleeping during the day and sleeping during the night are different things even though I like to deny it so much. I like to mentally refute every doctor that says that we have to sleep during the night. I say "well, 9 hours of sleep is enough during any time of the day or night", but it turns out that our bodies have some sort of clock and everything works just right during the night and sleep is better.

And it also turns out that this sleep during the night, when everything is just right for us to sleep, is exactly what I needed in order to stop having my weird headaches and weird everything. I finally gave up. I switched up and got called weak and normal, both by others and myself, and every night I judge myself and laugh about how normal I have let myself become.

Even if I consciously know that being normal is, well, normal, and that I shouldn't feel bad about it, it's hard. I identify as a night owl. I see it as my "natural habitat". Right now I see the darkness (or don't see it, depending on how you define darkness) and I see the dim ambience that was my stage. Now it's nothing but the time when I sleep.

Now that I'm awake during the day and the night seems to come quickly after it, time seems to be shorter. I don't know if I'm sleeping more but I do feel like I can do less than before. But I have to stand it. This tolerance has led to my well-being. I'm finally healthy (well, relatively; a bit more healthy than before). I'm changed and I feel as if I were wearing new shoes.

But they're just the old ones I had left lying around for decades until I found them again, a bit dusty but good as new.

I still don't like sleeping in the night. Being awake in the dark is more pleasurable. It feels more fulfilling. But it's worse for me. I need to stay convinced. I have seen proof.

Every now and then I fall into the temptation of sleeping during the day and I wake up in the late afternoon with a terrible headache and I'm deezy for a few days while I get accustomed to the headaches and then I decide to go back to sleeping during the night. It's lame, but it is the way it is.


Yes night sleep is very important !!

Posted using Partiko Android

it's true!! even I am trying to get rid of a headache. seriously I have been an owl for over 3 years. I can relate myself to your post!!

Ooh, what line of work are you in?

Hmm... what about interspersed cycles so you can basically be up or asleep at all hours of the day? You'll never miss a single breaking news!

I think I have naturally done that at some point. It was weird. You sleep some and are awake at some point but then you get sleepy again. It was like, time wasn't really relevant. 😅 Didn't matter what day it was as long as I get to sleep and wake up all over again. 😂

It's nice if you've got nowhere to go but not if you do. 😁

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Aw, sounds cool! Hmm, I don't know if it has already happened to me! I've tried many things already. How does this work again?

The one I'm in right now is cool. I am pleased with it, though perhaps I could find something better.

I think I was thinking of the one discussed in this article: https://www.supermemo.com/en/articles/polyphasic but now it seems it's not practical :P

Hah, call center agents sleep in the morning all the time. There are a lot of them still alive. I was one of them for several years. I'm a night owl anyway.

Imagine, even if I manage to change my sleeping habits back to normal, I still tend to sleep in the morning eventually. Sucks really but a night owl is always a night owl I guess.

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Yeah, that's true. I successfully slept at night for a long time. It wasn't so bad as I played it most of the time, only recently. I think that what's bad is changing cycles all the time because the body can't adapt.

I was sleeping at night sometimes, then sleeping during the day, then sleeping twice a day in 4-hour cycles. I got pretty sick and it was only when I pinned it to the night that I was able to be at peace again!

😂 Good for you then.

Sleeping habits get whacked when I'm just at home all the time.

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What do you do? Do you make art for a living?

I write and do art for a living. 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

I've searched your blog but couldn't find your art. Could you point me toward it? I wanna take a peek. :)

Oh it's art.stephanie.rue. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

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