I'm getting pushed to lower Steem in my priority list. :(

in #blog6 years ago


I started to write this post and realised that I was revealing too much information about myself needlessly. The core of the issue is that my mom wants me to get my uni degree, which would take me a year of hard work, and this would mean leaving Steem aside.

Steem is not a thing you can do with just 1 hour free per day, unless you want to just do the bare minimum, maybe one tiny post a day. It's not optimal. I was getting all excited about growing, about finding followers, getting to have greater income, using more dApps and diversifying my financial security.

But now all of this is threatened by "life". What is this life anyway? I was called out yesterday by someone who said that I should get a "real" life instead of trying to grow on Steem, working on the Internet all day and not leaving my home much. Are the streets more real somehow than my desk?

Dunno what they mean. Perhaps normal. Perhaps classical. Anyway, I'm not earning much here yet. Just around $90 USD a month more or less depending on my activities. That's not enough for anything. I think she's right when she says that I need to have a chance to do something else in another country without falling to ugly jobs. I'm always scared of having to work as a waitress, cleaner or even to have to fall to demeaning jobs just to make the bare minimum to survive.

The solution to that, I thought, was to grow on Steem to reach a level big enough that I would get a constant income of at least $600 a month, and move to a country requiring less, where I would be able to fund a very frugal lifestyle with this. But I realise that it's not realistic and my mom proposes the solution that if I get my degree, I could become a teacher somewhere else and work for $5000 a month, according to her (I don't know where she gets her numbers, but they sound terribly off).

And now I don't know what to do. I'm not coming for advice, though I know that it will be given. I can only rely on myself to get an answer to this dilemma. I'll probably say yes and do whatever she tells me to do because that's what I always end up doing, but it sure feels very sad to leave everything I've built to stagnate. I could maybe come back every day and just describe my experience during the day, post a bit about my research for my final dissertation, but I'm not sure I'll have the time after this.

I think too much. When the time comes, I'll deal with it. I just like to worry, I guess, about every tiny thing that happens around me. I'll stay strong until I start with anything else, though! I'll be posing twice a day, once through SteemPress, once through Busy. I'll try to make at least one long post a day and squeeze out the vote juice that has been awarded upon me.

What would you do if you were in my shoes?


Do both. Don't treat it like a job, treat it like a hobby that allows you to take a breath of fresh air say. What that means for me, for example, is that I post less frequently but have ideas stewing in my head for a later post that maybe I can iron out relatively quickly. Commenting is also a fairly low time cost, as is musing. I realize this may not be realistic if you really don't have time but you know what they say... If you like it enough, you will make the time for it. That's how I think about it anyway.

Best of luck with managing it, however you decide!

Came here to say this. 😊

I've been seeing this view for a while (focusing on the interaction and not on the profit), but tbh I don't understand it. Maybe it could work for someone with hope to have another income, but I came here because I had nothing and I saw that I could work my way up.

It's true that it's more satisfactory to post something online when I know that the profit is going to me and not to some random company that monetises the website (i.e. reddit, Facebook, Quora). But beyond that, I saw the chance to climb out of the nothingness that was my life and have something to strive for.

But if I leave, the striving will be gone and I will be left with a barren diary and the dull pain of aimless sacrifice. Lmao, I just triggered myself and my depression returned. I'll go to sleep.

I didn't say anything about profit this time :), at least I did not even intend to bring it up at all. I'm not sure I understand your response actually. My suggestion was that you could remain in a more limited capacity, and still remain loosely connected. And that if you enjoyed it, you would try your best to make time for it.

Even if you leave, you can always come back. I wouldn't say it was a barren diary and aimless sacrifice either. The many connections you made here will be remembered when you come back, and the words you wrote, they will still be here too. Well, if we're all still here that is :P.

Just woke up.

In order to hold certain things, you need to be active. When I was away for 1 month a little while ago, I was getting around 12 comments per post as a minimum. When I came back, it was a few days until I started getting more than 3, and I still have posts with 0 comments nowadays.

It might have had something to do with the fact that I stopped using bots, but the concept has stayed with me. I feel that I need to stay active if I don't want to lose what I have gotten so far and if I want to keep "growing". Stopping/slowing down wouldn't just mean halting the progress but letting it slowly roll backwards.

There are many factors. It could very well be that others left as well (downturn in prices, for example), so I wouldn't take that to heart. So I'm not entirely in agreement with that assessment.

Well, they were all there in June. I wasn't here in July, and they didn't come back when I came back in August. Unless around 5 people decided that Steem wasn't worth it in July, I'm betting for absence-fueled disinterest. It seems like too much of a coincidence seeing as Steem has been low for quite a few months already.

I get your point, though. It could have been anything else. I'm still mentally convinced of the contrary. Dunno. Sorry.

But anyway, it's really beside the point I was trying to make, which is that you have to decide for yourself what your level of commitment is. And it also seems like you don't really want to give it up. And so my response is: don't.

Posted using Partiko Android

How funny Donald Trump

I'm in a similar boat in that steemit is not enough for me but it's still nice to fall back on from time to time. Maybe in the future that will change.. :) Good luck either way!

It really sounds like you're still young and listening to your parents. But here are some rules that even I myself forget.

  • If the income is not fixed and mostly reliable, don't count on it, even if it is a high amount.
  • Always have at least 2, preferably 3, income sources, it doesn't matter the amount of income, as long as the primary job can provide sufficient funds.
  • If a job takes too much of your time, (more than 6 hours average daily for me), don't do the job, or try to do less of it.

The third one is the cost and gains calculation. Too much work for too little pay/resources is never good.
So yeah, I would say, do the teacher job, that is a good job experience and maybe you will like it more than you think. And at the same time try to work on Steemit, and if teaching isn't cutting it, you can fall back on Steemit and look for a second job at your own pace.

That is what works for me and I hope for you too.

Unless you work in the Middle East in Dubai or Abu Dhabi or even Qatar, that’s how much they would be willing to pay for teaching jobs, since majority are private.

You mean you consider it normal for a teacher to get 5 grand a month in a private institution in any first-world country?

Given it’s a private institution, yes.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would do both lol! You can always go down to posting once or twice a week and followers like me who enjoy your story telling will still upvote you! Also it takes time to build up followers. But definitely don't stop posting all together

This is a good video for you to watch. This lady is speaking a lot on these thoughts

She basically says "you gotta suffer to maybe be happy sometime in the far future!"

Haha coming from a person who has worked for himself for the last 4 years she is absolutely right! Everyone working for themselves has to struggle to get there. So I am just saying don't entirely give up what you have built here it will continue to grow

5000 dollars for being a teacher? I thought that this profession was poorly paid...

Studying requires a lot of our time, even when we are at home we must study for exams. But who knows, it is possible that the class of the day motivates you to write a post about it.

I wouldn't be studying but writing a final dissertation. It's an 80-page research project. But you're right. I could find inspiration there to make posts for here.

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