I've Been On A Battle With My Illness For More Than 19 Years Now

in #blog3 years ago


I had been sickly all my life, it is because even before my kidneys failed I am already showing signs of its imminent doom.

I had been suffering from headaches even when I was in primary school and now I had attributed it from my weak Kidneys. Then during my Elementary school the headaches had persisted and I not noticed why my classmates can play basketball while I am just watching on the sidelines.

Of course I never put a thought on it way after I had been a dialysis patient but I managed to connect the dots on what happened to my life prior to my dialysis life.

I therefor had concluded that my Kidneys are just destined to fail all because of my own immune system which got verified after I had a Kidney Biopsy in late 1997 or so, it was too far back to remember but to put more salt on the wound I also was told that I can't get treated because I am positive for Hepatitis B virus.

The Nephrologist said that they have a protocol not to treat patients such as myself with such complications because my liver would conk-out because of the medications perhaps.

SO we went home from Manila that day on my birthday with a heavy heart and in fact I was crying in the bus until we get home because I know for a fact that I will doe soon if not experience more hardships after that.

I just sunk my head in the sand and try not to think about it all. I even went to my grandmother's home for a four month vacation and my reason is I just want to be with my cousins there before I finally die.

So on December 1st 2001 I had my first dialysis. At first I only get to be dialyzed one a week until I had seizures and the elevated creatinine levels in my system had made me temporary crazy while having seizures for about a week.

Then fortunately/unfortunately I survived that ordeal which made me to survive until the present day. I basically just received only dialysis while my other complications are not treated particularly my Parathyroid which had resulted in my bone complications and body pains.

Fortunately enough I was able to improve my pain issues because I managed to take Cinacalet and I am still taking it so that I will not return to the misery of overall body pain from neck to my tailbone but with a compromise with my appetite.

My battle is not yet over, my physical body is just seemingly weak but it is just a tough nut to crack. I do not know if that is good or bad but it either depending on who is looking.

But many people see my life as an inspiration and I just want to believe that and for myself I will just have to do what is right for me and my body, to preserve it for as long as I can because we only have one shot in this lifetime, improving my life with all my might and knowledge and aim to get better until I can say that finally I won, but even now I can say that I am winning and even if I die today I can say also that I won already.


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You are a tough nut to crack my friend, and you will keep on fighting as we all must keep fighting. Life is crazy man, i always appreciate your updates. Lets keep on chuggin, hopefully you had a couple good trades lately, i remember you were stackin some XRP, glad to see it move up. I just wonder when a smbig selloff will happen.

Thank you @captainquack22
I don't know but maybe a divine intervention has a big impact in my life why I am still alive until now despite that I haven't gotten any good medical treatment if quality is concerned.

But I am just trying to keep my body to improve and I guess that I am doing the right things because improvement is on play in my life right now as I am able to shed-away some of my pains.

I really hope that all my cryptos would gain some more value especially XRP it has been performing very well and I am happy with it :D

Good job man, just play it safe. I had a bad ulcer in my stomach 10 years ago, so i need to improve my health a little too. Keep up your mentality, you have my prayers and future prayers. Good things must come and some improvements in your health too.

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