Nomad On The Blockchan

in #blog7 years ago

I can't stop for long, because the bots are circling on the blockchain: The chain gangs are on to me. They don't know who I am or what I'm doing, but they have noticed unusual activity. They are determined to track me down. And when the bots of the chain gangs circle, the Time Keepers aren't far behind. If I don't move soon, the Time Keeper's attack dogs, the Time Cops, will be smashing my door down.

In my first post I said Time was the only currency to survive the crypto crash, but that's not quite true, Steem, the only other digital currency linked to a real world value - knowledge, also survived. At least until it was killed off by the Time Keepers.

If Steemit had more weight, if the knowledge it contained had greater value, more people would have fought for it in 2099. If the IRS had not blocked Steemit's takeover of Wikipedia, or if Facebook had adopted Steem instead of Bitcoin, or the US government had not adopted the Ephemeral blockchain for their defence contracts...

I have traced the Time conspiracy right back to its creation, but by then it was already too late. It is my belief, that by adding sufficient weight to Steem before the creation of Time, and revealing the depths of the Time conspiracy, we can kill Time before it takes over the world. You, Steamians from 2018, are my warriors: from the future, we put our trust in you.

This is why you need to hear the whole of my story, but I can only tell it in short bursts.

I'm a nomad; always on the move. Never sleeping in one place for more than three days. Never settling.

I enter the system from a different location to log each entry. So far, my illegal server is still safe. Eventually, thought, I will slip up - it's human nature. Then the bots will attack the server and shut me down. When that happens, in the brief window between the gangs gaining server access and the Time Cops raiding the location to physically pull the plug, the chain gangs will use my server to harvest an illegal bonanza.

To run an illegal server, with sufficient power to thrash atomic quanta into teleporting superpositions, takes a great deal of effort and resources. My tech team are always out gather old power modules and planning the next server. It's not so much that I mind losing the server, but it takes a great deal of power to send data back in timeOur. Our main priority is to stay online and that means continually finding new sources of power.

In this apocalyptic world of starvation and poverty, my small band of rebels needs an army of supporters just to provide sufficient food, water, and fuel just to keep us moving. Most are too pre-occupied with their own survival to provide more than a morsel. Many are not convinced that contacting Steemian in the past will work, but I have great confidence in you.

Sending these posts back to 2018 is a dangerous business - if we are caught, we will pay with our lives. The Time Keepers will drain our Time down to zero.

The future is in your hands. Keep Steem alive with new content - even this far in the future your words are read. Show my people what real freedom looks like - a life without the shackles of Time, a crypto currency that does not enslave and impoverish.

I need to move, the Time Cops are on their way.

If you are reading this, you are the resistance. Stay strong. Blog to save the world.


Are there earlier editions of this story? If so, you should link them. It's an interesting little story!

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