Ramadhan 1442 H

in #blog3 years ago


Hello Steemit Fellows🙏

It's been more than 8 months away from my last post here😁 how do I do?
I'm definitely okay in the real life, but not quite happy in this virtual life. I found it so hard to write something when my old phone died due to its old life😂 and I hate struggling to write with my small new phone, until a few minutes ago🤭.

My friend contacts me via WhatsApp and update the latest news about Steemit which leads me to check on google play store just to find a mobile version of steemit.com and cool... I found this one😘. Still need some times to get myself familiar with it. I need to learn about this platform again.

I already have my tron wallet long before it's integrated with Steemit, but I just can find my key😂 I'm quite dumb I think🤔... I didn't back up the key and it will be troublesome to create a new one. Well... I'll think about it later... A new wallet just to get free trx won't hurt, right?

I lost all my memories about how to use the codes to create nice post too...LOL. anyway, today is the first day of our islamic fasting month of this year. It's a hot sunny day, the street is so quiet and I'm thinking about what will I cook for the breakfast this evening.

Here I am looking for some inspiration from my old post💗. Though we're still in a full awareness of covid-19, but this year's situation is a bit better than last year. Last year, no night activities allowed at the mosques, but this year it's allowed with conditions.

There's a lot to learn about Steemit now, I just hope that I'm able to catch up and find a better topic to post again, the tags, community, etc. Ahh... I missed the old days on steemit.

Have a wonderful day everyone 🌻🌼🏵️🌸🌺


🏆 Hi @cicisaja! You have received 0.05 STEEM reward for this post from the following subscribers: @tyrnannoght
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Glad to see you back, @cicisaja. I came back just recently, too. :-)

Hey there... Nice to see you again @zorank 🌻 it's time to be a newbie again 😆 how are you?

I'm fine, thanks. It feels like newbie time again, indeed 😆 I see many new faces, but luckily also some original ones. It's petty some of the old buddies here on Steemit are no longer active, eventhough they have quite a bit of SP still left over from their active days.

I think they're on hive... Coz many old friends keep posting there. I wonder whether @wakeupkitty and @freedomshift still around

Yeah, @wakeupkitty and @freedomshift are still very much active. The easiest way for you to see, when was last post made and also current status of SP says a lot. Take care!

Selamat bergabung kembali 🙂🙂🙂

You too @rayfa... Ternyata dikau masih beredar

Luar biasa kiprah ibu cici.
Semoga kita betah ditempat atau sarang komunitas yg menghargai kita.

Haha... Saya udah jauh dari banyak sarang komunitas sejak 2019 akhir😁 tapi mudah2an bisa bersenang 2 lagi

Kasih saya satu referensi sarang komunitas yang adil dan menghargai penulis dalam bahasa indon.

Nyan yg Hana loen teupat 😁 mungkin @anroja tahu

Siap kak. Semoga saya mampu menyeimbangi perkembangan steemit saat ini. Sukses terus kak.

ms. Atjeh , sa-shi-bu-ri ,

se-lamat(??) and selam than ? i will baptise my steemshell collection Argus and call it fancy names like A.I. i think, it seems to pick up. One year already ? and there you are - i should add some sound samples but i have no voice actors lol.

Anyway - i trust all is well with you and your elusive husband in sunny Indonesia .

Just saying hello :) take care

the subscription was there from i have no idea when but @tipu seems to have Argus installed too :p

stay safe

Hello... you're still there and kicking I think 😉 I need sometimes to get familiar with everything here again... Thanks for your support as always


theres a lot of people who went when things got sour but if you take time to get your bearings you might find things have actually turned out a lot better and friendlier. There's no more steemcleaners and misterdelegation protection rackets , people feel a little more safe,

@pennsif booted up the news again, thats probably your best stop to get back on track with everything (including hella-lotta contests)

AND !!!

we get TRX now too lol - i think this is like the best its ever been since i got on over four years ago but there's always room for improvement ofcourse and on the other hand, stuff that doesnt get TOO big doesnt attract too many sharks who want to feed on your proverbial local minnows.

I absolutely loved our little philosophical chats i have not forgotten hahah, its good to have you back , real people is what this thing needs most

Tell ya what...I have tron wallet about 2 years ago and I forgot my key to access it again (had once happened) though I don't have much in there... it's not empty too.


Kak, izin landing lom beh. 😁😁

Kop palo nyou...han ta teuoh lee kiban cara join komunitas awai😂

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