He said, "People destroy my inner peace. Flood this Earth, sink us all."

in #blog7 years ago

I said Bro, only 1 person can sway the boat of self contentment - that's you. Only you can destroy your inner peace. Only you give up your balance, your control, your mood . Yes, I can try to agitate you, irritate your mood, but it's impossible to forcefully push any person from their own helm. We willingly take our hands away from steering our own rudder. We commonly give up on ourselves. So don't give up on yourself.

Observe the above animation. The music clock has a face turning left instead of a hand rotating right. Why don't we already have clocks with rotating faces? Why are we so bent on using hands over faces? The purpose of this clock is to act as a mnemonic device. To aid people studying music theory, or just people in general. We can associate music scales with different times of the day. When we associate time with music, every hour becomes a study of music. This can be done using guitar scales, piano scales, any instrument. Any subject. These clocks will help us assimilate knowledge with greater ease and convenience.

People ask, when will you build or program these clocks, you claim these are worthwhile, where's my app, where's my mechanical clock? Well, I make no distinction between work and play. My ideas come with no strings attached, no restrictions, no copyright, no credit. Go ahead and claim it as your own. Go ahead and make lots of money. Just don't get ruined by money. Accept it, correct it, ridicule it, steem it, but how can anyone steal what I give? The universe I come from is an overflowing fountain of endless knowledge and abundance.

He couldn't break his mood and said to me, "People are fucking mutated, deformed, obese, retarded. Completely toxic. Stuck on stupid." I said Bro, take inventory on your self sight. Throw away these spoiled perceptions before they contaminate the edible ones. Before they rot away your entire soul. It's less about seeking good in others, it's more about feasting on the good inside yourself. Every soul is powered by light. Every life has a pilot light burning. How can there be evil or darkness when there is only varying degrees of light? Even the biggest scumbag still shines a little. Some of us a smiggin. Some of us blazing like the sun. Focus where you shine. Stay true to yourself. The truth will set us free.

Jimmy James
Of the Growling Griffin tribe
Greenday, Mercury 9, Year 2

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