Stress Management May Be Much Easier than Expected

in #blog6 years ago

Every person is different when it comes to stressful situations. Worrying about bills being paid, a loved one's health, and even a significant other losing a job can cause intense stress for any individual. The way each person handles the stress and worry is the difference in the severity of stressful situations.

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Pinpointing Stress

The way an individual reacts to situations and events is the most likely way that stress is caused. Worrying about what could happen and what might happen can cause stress to grow stronger and more intense. Some people in the world have more faith in situations than others. Typically, the people with more faith tend to be less stressed out than other individuals.

Physical and mental stress are the two main types of stress that people encounter. There are short-term and long-term symptoms and signs of both types of stress. The short-term signs are:
  • increase of heart beat and breath
  • more frequent bathroom breaks
  • dry mouth, wet skin
  • more immune to sweating
  • sick feeling stomach
  • muscles tightening and tensing
  • headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue
The effects of these stressful signs can hinder one's functioning. It can be difficult to concentrate and focus, and sometimes impaired judgment causes the making of wrong decisions. People are more easily distracted and frustrated, and stress causes individuals to enjoy things less. The signs of long-term mental and physical stress are a bit worse.
  • change in appetite, whether it is eating more or less
  • change in sleeping patterns
  • constant feeling of fatigue and exhaustion
  • sicknesses such as colds and the flu are easier to catch
Long-term stress can make a person worry much more than short-term stress. Most individuals will feel that they are not in control, and it can be much more difficult to make decisions. Changes in mood such as depression, irritability, anger, frustration, overreaction and impatience are just a few downfalls in long-term stress. Important things like work, school and one's appearance may start to be neglected as a result of the stress.

Coping with Stress and Destressing

There are several steps to learning stress management. Every person handles stress differently, so these steps may not affect everyone.
  1. Stay away from unnecessary stress. Do not accept added responsibilities if they cannot be handled, and learn to say no. Avoid any people who may cause stress, and take control of the surrounding environment.
  2. Try and change the situation. Instead of keeping feelings bottled inside, try opening up and letting them out. Try and compromise and be more assertive. A main cause of stress is time management, so try and plan ahead and manage time better.
  3. Change or adapt to the cause of stress. Try to see things from a more positive perspective. Question whether the problem is really even important enough to stress over. Will it matter in a week or a month? Demanding perfection and setting oneself up for failure is a bad thing. Take a moment to look at all the good and positive things in life.
  4. Accept anything that cannot be changed. Some things are uncontrollable, so it is best to realize this at the beginning. Even if there is nothing that can be altered, it can be very helpful to talk about one's feelings and learn to forgive.
  5. Allow time for relaxation. Always do something enjoyable every day, and maintain the ability to laugh. Simple activities such as going for a walk, taking a bath, writing in a journal or playing with pets are great ways to destress and enjoy a days moment.
The way individuals react to stressful situations can really help the outcome. Do not let the worry and stress take control of everyday activities. Ryan Reynold's character in the movie Van Wilder said,
Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.

"Destress Yourself: Make your Own Miracles" at

"Understanding and Dealing with Stress" at

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