Go Easy on the Gas

in #blog6 years ago

Gas prices have soared over $3 a gallon and are expected to climb for the rest of a winter. This is a major problem for everyone, but for students on a super-tight budget, those dollars at the pump can mean the difference between making weekend plans and being stuck at home. For students who are supporting themselves, the situation is even direr: money spent on gas and energy bills is money that could be covering rent and food expenses. The hard truth is that these painfully high prices are really a cold dose of reality; they remind us that we really should be conserving more resources than we have been. So why not take this opportunity to save gas this winter, and save money, too!

Make it cool to ride your bike again
There are two types of bike riders on Long Island: one is kitted out in spandex and expensive gear and rides in a pack of other serious-looking bikers, the other is a low-income worker who can’t afford a car. Most of us don't fit into the first group, and fear being classed in the second. But can’t we find a middle ground? Riding your bike is a great way to get around your neighborhood: it’s free, it’s quick, and it’s great exercise. Think about it: instead of paying for gas and a gym membership, you can get a bike and get the benefits of both for free.

Get a Bus Pass
Students with ID can get just about anywhere on Long Island for only $1.80. You can't even get one gallon of gas for that price! Sure, waiting for the bus isn’t as convenient as being able to get in your car whenever you want, but it’s fast, it’s cheap, and using public transportation is the best way to reduce the number of cars on the road. Most LI buses run on natural gas, too, so hopping on board is really a great way to help the environment (and your bank account).

Switch off the A.C. in the house and crank it up in the car
Yes, the A.C. in your house will contribute to those huge energy bills, but using it in your car (if you do have to use your car) will actually save money and resources. Rolling the windows up and turning on the air conditioner reduces the drag on your car, so that it runs more efficiently. That translates to fewer stops at the pump and more money in your wallet.

Hit the Pool
The carpool, that is. Sharing rides with friends and coworkers is a great way to save on gas. You may also enjoy the company; having people to talk to and laugh with makes a dull commute go a lot more quickly. Don't know anyone to pool with? Try a website like eRideShare or CarpoolConnect. CraigsList also has listings of people looking for ride shares.

With the benefits to the planet and your bank account, there’s no reason not to cut down on energy consumption this winter!

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