efficacy of guava (cashew nut)

in #blog6 years ago

Guava is a fruit plant that is widely available in Indonesia. Because of its chemical content, this plant is often used as a medicine to support health. Benefits of guava or cashew for the world of health, among others, as described below:

1. Prevent Anemia
This iron is an important mineral that plays a role in the formation of red blood cells. Consuming 100 grams of guava fruit is enough to meet the needs of iron daily in adult men.

2. Counteracting Free Radial
Food in the form of fresh fruits or vegetables has the ability to ward off free radicals that cause disease. This is because the antioxidant content in fresh fruits and vegetables is very large. Including monkey.

3. Maintaining Eye Health
Guava contains vitamin A which functions to maintain eye health. Vitamin A content is 2,689 SI in every 100 grams. About 80% of daily vitamin A needs for adult men.

4. Treating Asthma
A study shows that asthma sufferers have a low vitamin C content in their bodies. Well, guava with high vitamin C content can be used to overcome this problem. Consumption of guava fruit in people with asthma can reduce shortness of breath.

5. Control blood pressure
High blood pressure increases the chances of having a stroke and heart disease. Monkey fruit that is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help reduce high blood pressure.

6. Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease
Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the heart arteries thicken. This condition increases the risk of a heart attack because blood flow is not smooth. Consumption of fruits that contain high vitamin C such as guava can help overcome atherosclerosis in the heart.

7. Contains Vitamin C 5x More Than Orange
Vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant can help maintain the immune system and accelerate healing during the flu.

8. Rich in Calcium
The calcium content of this fruit is beneficial for muscles and bones.

9. For Sexual Health
Researchers claim cashew juice can help increase energy and passion. In fact, cashew juice is also believed to make women feel easier to sleep.

10. Helps Burn Fat
This fruit is very useful as an energy supply and burn fat when exercising.


In addition to being consumed directly to get healthy benefits. Guava can also be processed into herbal ingredients that are used to treat various diseases. The following are examples of processing cashew plant parts for herbal medicine.

1. Treating rheumatism
Many traditional rheumatism medicines that can be used and made by themselves. One of them is the efficacy of cashew leaf. Take a handful of young cashew leaves, then wash and slice roughly. Boil with 3 cups of water until only 1 cup remains. After being cold, the water is filtered and drunk. Do this treatment regularly 2 times a day each 1/2 cup every time you drink.

2. Sprue
To treat thrush, wash a handful of young cashew leaves and cashew bark. Boil with 3 cups of water until boiling and the water is only 2 cups. Drink the boiled water 2 times a day. If there is any remaining, it can be used for gargling.

3. Throat inflammation
Inflammation of the throat can cause pain when swallowing food. as a result all food that comes in doesn't taste good. Naf $ u eat even less. Take 5 pseudo cashew fruits, then shred and squeeze the water. Add 4 tablespoons of drinking water and 2 tablespoons of honey, mix well. Drink this mixture 3 times a day, each 2 tablespoons each time you drink.

4. Diabetes (Diabetes Melitus)
Diabetes is a dangerous disease that must be taken seriously. One of the traditional medicines that is efficacious to overcome them is the guava tree bark. The trick is, 15 grams of monkey guava skin is washed, p0tong p0tong as needed, then boil with 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. After cold, the water is filtered and drunk. Do this treatment regularly 2x a day, each 1/2 cup every time you drink.

5. Treating Constipation
Constipation is a term in which a person has difficulty defecating smoothly. Difficulties in this chapter difficulty will affect the body's overall metabolic system. Fe $ ice or the stomach in the stomach that is not removed will also be a new problem. To overcome this, wash 10 grams of guava tree bark and boil with 2 cups of water. After cold the water is filtered and taken 2 times a day. That is the benefit of monkeys in the world of traditional medicine.

6. Dysentery, Diarrhea, Diarrhea
The benefits of other guava leaves are as a medicine for stomach ailments such as diarrhea, dysentery or diarrhea. How, boil a handful of cashew leaves and 1 p0tong bark of cashew tree with 1.5 liters of water until boiling, then filtered. Drink water twice a day, in the morning and evening.

7. Skin disease
The benefits of other guava are as traditional medicines to treat skin diseases such as eczema, b0r0k, or burns. The part of the plant used is old leaves. Young leaves are usually used as fresh vegetables. You can try it by planting it until it is smooth, then borehkan on the affected part of the skin.

8. Treating Warts
Many ways to treat warts that are done with traditional medicine. for example with the sap of the kiciat tree, the sap of castor trees and frangipani trees. Well, one more thing that can be used to treat warts is cashew nut skin oil.

The benefits of monkeys are not limited to health and treatment. For other fields, this plant still has many benefits.

- As a Adhesive Material
The stem of the cashew plant is not very valuable both economically and medically. But we can still use the monkey tree sap as an adhesive to glue books, etc. The sap is also efficacious as an anti-termite in plywood like frames.

- As Animal Feed
The false fruit of cashew is not very economical. But we can still use it as animal feed. The nutritional content contained in it will make our livestock healthy

As Processed Food

The guava fruit can also be processed as a food such as jam, jem and sweets or syrup.


The benefits of monkeys are very large both medically and economically (especially cashew nuts). But this plant also contains some pretty dangerous poisons that need to be watched out for, including:

- This plant contains tannin, which can cause itching on the skin.

- The skin of the fruit can cause dermatitis.

- This plant also contains light yellow oil that tastes sweet (acayu oil), consisting of 4O-50% cardol (toxic tannin) and anakardia acid.

- This fruit oil causes burning or bubbling skin. Most cases, lips blistering and itching when breaking the shell of cashew nuts with teeth.

Yes, how about it. Even though the benefits of this guava are quite a lot, the side effects are also not playful. So to do treatment with cashew, especially the sap and the oil must be done by experts. But don't worry, for the part of the fruit, the sweet-sour-sepat is safe for consumption. As long as they don't play with the nuts



Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

In my country exist a fruit with the same name, guava, but look a little bit different. Also have almost the same benefits. It juice is my favorite, just the perfect balance in sweet and texture, love it. If a find one this week I'll show you how it looks.

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