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RE: Regaining focus

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

I mean, the school is pretty good for what it is here, but it feels like it's stuck at 20th century. Although I think there were some reformations that introduced peer-education and feedback after I had left school. I think more courses focusing on phenomena have appeared too which go across subjects, I think I would've enjoyed those since I already tend to be sort of an all around type of guy.

Was school ever tedious for you? Did it ever seem pointless, or even like a waste of time? Did you ever compare it to prison or the military?

It often did feel pointless, but it wasn't as bad as mandatory labor during civil service – that often did feel like prison :P

Did you ever feel that it was doing a poor job at preparing you for life (whatever your idea of "life" was like back then)?

We did get some info about job applications and stuff like that, but school doesn't really give much general wisdom or perspective on life that adults have. I guess that is parents' job though, but mine haven't really provided on that area (except perhaps learning from their mistakes, lol). I like figuring stuff myself anyway – no one else would've figured it out for me that I should go to study as a massage therapist had I not done some wacky stuff like going to Steemfest with a box of dried fruit with me and hitchhiking in Europe.


Yep, those things you mentioned are exactly the kinda stuff I've been hearing. Seems like it's not universal, though.
Interesting: for me the mandatory civil service (if you opt out of the military) I had to do in Germany felt like pure freedom: no school, no parents, no homework, only 8 hours of mindless work - folding towels and making tea - then hanging out with your service mates doing whatever: video gaming, music, drinking, partying, and no one cared, unless our party got out of hand.
You hitched to Krakow last year? Awesome! Must have been a blast!

Germany felt like pure freedom: no school, no parents, no homework, only 8 hours of mindless work - folding towels and making tea - then hanging out with your service mates doing whatever: video gaming, music, drinking, partying, and no one cared, unless our party got out of hand.

Ahh... well I didn't have any mates, outside the 1 month education period where we learned some general useful stuff like first aid, it was just me going to a job and then back home :(

You hitched to Krakow last year? Awesome! Must have been a blast!

Partly, hitched to Riga and then took a bus because it was convenient with my box of dried fruit :D
Then hitched more in Europe after SF3 whenever I managed.

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