Every Time We Want To Give Up, Remember How Many We Have Sacrificed So far

in #blog6 years ago


Every Time We Want To Give Up, Remember How Many We Have Sacrificed So far

Feeling sad when expectations are not in accordance with reality is a natural thing, feeling disappointed when you want to not be real is also a natural thing.

Especially if it's an extraordinary struggle, the feeling of wanting to give up when things seem to be getting harder is also a very natural thing.

But know O self, every time this wants to give up on what we have started, remember well how much we have sacrificed to get to the point now.

Remember Back To What Way We Steped, Because It Could Be A Good That We Expect To Stay A Step Again

Yes, remember again to what extent we have stepped up, remember what obstacles we have overcome so far, because it could be that when we really give up it turns out that the good we hope is just one step away.

For that, be patient again, calm your heart by continuing to be kind to the best planner, because God must be seeing how we have been struggling all this time.

Nobody Knew When We Will Find Good Hope That We Try, Therefore Be Patient That Is Important

Really no one knows when we will find good hope that we are semogakan, it could be that when we make a decision to give up at that moment it is also the goodness of mennati, it's just that we are less sensitive.

So that's why being patient is very important when reason cannot properly digest a situation that is not in accordance with expectations, so that whatever the unpleasantness of the situation is, we can survive.

No Matter As Difficult and Scratchy What Way We Have to Go, Still Believing All That Will Will End

So, no matter how difficult and complicated the road we must go, just keep believing that it will all end, because God certainly has a sure end of what He is offering to us.

And remember, too, wasn't it before we arrived at the difficult situation that we have now experienced difficulties, obstacles, and problems that are also confusing? but all that now is just a story.

So it's the same as what happened to us now, really soon he will find the end point and surely it will only be a memory.

Just Think of the Kindness We Are Going to Stay Just A Long Time, So We Never Frustrate Thinking the Path Is Not Easy

Now we go through everything as usual, just add our confidence in Him, add our patience, and add our sincerity, so that everything looks easy.

Let's just say that the good we are aiming for is just a little longer, assuming that the difficulties that are now are only the doors that have not found the key, so that we are never frustrated thinking of ways that are actually not easy.

Something Big Is Sometimes Not Easy to Walk, Because That's Why We Have to Survive and Keep Fighting

But one more thing that we have to remember in difficult times that make us difficult to move, that something big, extraordinary results, a beautiful end is not easy, it needs to be picked up with patience and willingness to struggle endlessly.

That's why we have to stay with all our souls, even though things really frustrate us and feel like stopping.

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