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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/09/18> The Great Pyramid Scheme ….Fascinating, isn’t it?

in #blog6 years ago

Back in the dinosaur age, I sent to a parochial school that my parents had to pay Extra for because the Canadian education system was split into two factions, public and parochial. My education ran parallell to thr public system, a whole lote of misinformtion that you find out about later. It wasn't only Egypt and the pyramids that was lacking!

So was our solar sysyem. Pluto had just been Discovered so low and behold we had 9 planets. Later poor old Pluto has been demoted to a planetoid! And I remember being taught that Saturn had only 7 moons, wait now we had 11! Now it is believed that Jupiter has as many as 69 moons! First we were told the universe is collapsing and then we are told it is expanding?

We are feed so much gobblity gook, it is diffucultto know what is fact and what is fiction. My father never thought that school education was enough. I rememember him buy a set of encyclopedias on time so that we children could learn more. We sat around the dining room table every night during the long Canadian winters and took turns reading various articles out loud so that we all could learn more. Then came the twice weekly trips into town so we could go to the library.

And even now with the internet at our finger tips, how much information are we being fed that is fiction rather than fact?


I never paid much attention to the solar system when I was in school so I really couldn't say what they taught me on that, but I always marveled at the pyramids.
It is a good thing that there are a few of us dinosaurs on here , so we can tell folks how it was before computers. I doubt that 20% of the people born after 1985 have ever picked up an encyclopedia and opened it to a page.
The internet does make it very easy to spread a lot of misinformation since anyone with a computer can type anything they can come up with, people just need to be conscious of what and where what they are seeing or reading is coming from.
Most people might take that as saying only trust academia but I am more inclined to believe some independent researcher than I am a Harvard professor who is getting grant money for his research, and I happen to have had some dealings with a Harvard professor, so I know from first hand experience and not just pulling a name of university out of a hat.

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