Who Is The Most Racist Group Of People In America?

in #blog7 years ago

"Black Beat and Robbed 95-Year-Old White Woman"

"The grandmother was left with bruises on her face and several broken ribs after she was beaten and robbed while waiting for her daughter in the gangway of her home. She was left lying on the ground as her attacker ran away with her purse."

3 minute video

This happens Everyday All Across America- It Just Does Not get Mainstream Media Coverage.


I think we need less posts that stirs up hate.

we need more people to act like decent human beings & stop accepting & letting Evil Low Life Behavior Become The Norm In Our Society.

Our country is flooded with Violent & porn & satanic Behavior that Inflict PAIN on far too many people.

We are all entitled to our opinions.

There is an Inuit (Eskimo) saying that goes something like this-

a man who refuses to go hunting with the other men & always stays behind with the women does no good- there is nothing you can do with such a person- except push them off the ice when no one is looking.

While I don't propmote killing- Jusr exactly what do you think beating up frail / fragile 95 year old women for a few measly bucks by some young punk - on the Free shit welfare army is? It of pure evil & it is a person that can never be a meaning part of human society- because they are pure EVIL!

you want to make educes for them - that's your MORAL DEPRAVITY & MISTAKE

no , my point of argument is "what you resist persist" I too do not condone evil and immoral behaviors but if you spend your whole life feeling angry or going directly against may actually cause more harm. I hope you know what I am getting at...I think the best way to change things is to be an example of.

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