Steem Stem Manager A Pedo?

in #blog6 years ago

Interesting. This @berniesanders Killing my site, has given me a chance to stop posting my diatribes & take a look into what is actually happening with other people on steem.

I went & checked in on @Viraldrom, who told me he "hopes my daughter gets ganged raped by greasy spics."

Turns out he has some screenshot up of my posts from 4 months ago & how I was a racist scum who needed to get off steemit. The thing is though, @viraldrome & I didn't meet up till about a month ago, when he caught wind that I didn't support the Migrant Caravan. Anyway in this post some Tribute @viraldrome made reference to one of his favorite hobbies. He likes to get stoned & late at night when he BORED, for fun he goes TROLLING the accounts of the anyone who questions the efficacy of a newborn baby being subjected to 89 different vaccines immediately upon birth. He likes to Troll anyone who questions global warming. OH YES he says pizza gate & pedo gate are MYTHS. Viraldrome wants those people gone as well. Then Viraldrome & his subsribers or peeps exchanged comments back & forth about their "side business." @viraldrome does a lot Weed Shots. Showing photos of those Big Beautiful Green Buds, Describing their TASTE & Experience & they - the strains in Supply- the POT he has in STOCK, all have some nice catchy names. One brand of BUD was "MK ULTRA" Now isn't that ironic? @Viraldrome some guy in Canada (so he claims) is selling POT & advertising it on STeemit & one of his BEST BUd's of the week- is a pot strain called "MK ULTRA." But per Viraldrome all those Anti-Vaccine People & All Those Global Warming Deniers & all the Pedogate/pizzagate people are whack jobs who have to GET OFF STEEMIT.

So who want to BET that this particular Strain of MK UTRA bud @viraldrome is selling is one of those GMO- Genetically Modified Strains? Just who do you think might have modified it- if it is GM POT? The Powers That be? WHY is it that Pot, long since demonized & illegal, is now being Legalized? The Government Never does us any favors, so why on the march to globo homo diversity rainbow POLICE STATE is the Pot now Legal? Because they FUCKED with it that's why.

That Mk Ultra Weed do you think it's like the pot you smoked as teenager - or something that will KNOCK YOU IN YOUR ASS & FUCK WITH YOUR HEAD? But alas, MK ULTRA Mind Control Programs do not exist. @viraldrome might come trolling you if you are one of those loony tunes who Talk of MK ULTRA Mind Control Programs. Yet here he is selling MK ULTRA brand bud/weed/pot.

I am neither for nor against weed. But if you wanna try out this MK ULTRA strain- just contact @viraldrome.

Then I ran into one of the very first people I muted on Steemit. Some guy who is now a SteemitStem manager. AHHHH, My old Nemesis @mobbs. Back when I first got started this Prick was writing posts IN SUPPORT of PEDOPHILIA. He CLAIMED it was just a Theoretical Exercise. @mobbs Fancies himself an "INTELLECTUAL." He claims to be living in Shangai. He enjoys writing posts DEBUNKING all of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Funny TCM- Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for thousands of years.

That accident I had last year that nearly killed me. The hospital emergency room that threw me out after about 1 1/2 hours when they found out my insurance had lapsed(yet the HAITIAN Immigrants on Public Aid- they Got treated.)The Hospital sent me home. I almost died 2X within the next few days. How did I finally get through it? One was a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner who upon hearing my story- agreed to make house calls for the month. 2 -3 times a week for a month.

Anyway this Pedo Pervert @mobbs is doing real good on steemit.

I checked in with the crazzy trannies too.

Turns out 2 of them are into coding & one put out a bot, so I guess the BOT is paying for the Trannies Daily Synthetic Estrogen & Wigs. A 3rd Member of the Crazy Tannie Posse was no where to be found. Perhaps that "Surgery" didn't go as planned & he OFFED himself, as so many do. Oh well Trannies, 2 out 3,n ain't bad.

I came across some lovely woman. Real Naturalist Earth baby type & she had the good looks to go with it. Making posts about how Horrible it is for ISRAEL to Treat the Palestinians the way they do & we have to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT.
Now don[t get me wrong, I believe in FREE speech. If this Health food, garden natural earth type woman wants to talk- she is FREE to talk about anything she so pleases. She is more than free to point out ISRAEL's CRIMES against the Palestinians, as she SEES IT. Then she takes it one step further. What step is that? Where she says WE, WE, WE, WE ALL HAVE TO GET TOGETHER & DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.

Ok There. White Lady Living In America- go get INVOLVED in a Movement with other White People in America to have Little Protests with a few banners or what not & Maybe get your phot & blurb in the local newspaper (because the newspaper do need to write about something & fill up that space).

Be A Good White Person & a NON-Racist. Go Prove it & MAKE a difference in The world with your actions- for the cause of Palestinians half way around the Globe.

Because that is really going to ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING. It sure will. It will KEEP YOU BUSY - from actually accomplishing anything worthwhile at all. Which is just what the Government & powers that be want.

So while America is flooded with more Nonwhite NON Compatible Immigrants, all looking for free welfare. While The Trump Administration is getting persecuted & some forces in the US MILITARY ARE REFUSING TRUMPS ORDERS- or Perhaps Trump is playing a game what ever it is- we have the BARBARIANS AT THE GATE. YOUR OWN HOMELAND is being Invaded. Trojan Horse anyone? Then you have all the nonstop Filth & outright Mainstreaming of Pedophilia happening all over the USA- from Hollywood to our public grade SCHOOLS. But don't band together to STOP THAT- no go take up a Cause of foreigners half way around the Globe.

If your house is falling apart & your negighbor's house is falling apart & every house on your block is falling apart. You do not travel HALF WAY AROUND the World to help a complete stranger. You fix your house 1st. Then you help your neighbor & those on your street.

Want to Actually accomplish something in life? Live a good life as best you can. Help yourself, your family, your friends. DETACH from the SYSTEM as Much As YOU CAN. What is GLOBALISM? When The Corporations & World Bodies Enact their Globalism- that is TAKING ALL POWER AWAY FROM THE LOCAL PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES. GLOBALISM = BAD. These people types of people think. Yet they cant see what they themselves are doing. They are doing a form of GLOBALISM themselves- their help & their activism & their Cause is for some FOREIGN PEOPLE in a FOREIGN NATION, and To Top it Off- Foreigners of a DIFFERENT CULTURE & RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When if they actually wanted to accomplish something- that would MAKE A DIFFERENCE- & They Have the ENERGY- they could apply it to-

Going to their local town hall meeting en force- to prevent their town from enacting the new Agenda 21 & agenda 2030 policies. They can plant gardens for themselves or with their neighbors. There is a whole House of "LOCAL" things they could apply themselves to, that would at least make some difference in the everyday lives of themselves & their neighbors & local townspeople.

Again You can talk, write & point out abything you like. But when it comes to actually getting of your ASS- your'e going to get off your ASS to Actually do something about Israel Bombing Palestinians & think that you will succeed? You can;t even make a difference in your own COMMUNITY? - Or at least you don;t care to do you?


Some of the Richest Countries on the face of planet earth are the Middle East of Countries. They Actually have LAMBORGHINI POLICE CARS in Dubai. I exaggerate NOT. If any one of those fabulously wealthy countries- that just happen to be Middle Eastern Arabs & Muslims & A WHOLE LOT CLOSER CLANSMEN to the PALESTINIANS- than any white person is- wanted to HELP OUT THEIR MUSLIM BROTHERS, They Could.

In short me Committing Suicide on Steemit by telling #berniesanders to go fuck himself was well worth it.

Steemit is exactly as Michael Tsarion describes Society at large. Nothing but NUT HOUSE. It is an INSANE ASYLUM, just like in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Just like the world at large, where it's the LOONEY TUNES running wild & running the show, so too here on Steemit.

For the life of me, I still do not know how I ever managed to gather such a loyal following of readers.

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