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RE: My Response to those @berniesanders ASS KISSERS who Now Try To Claim I Hate Jews & Am POersonally Responsible for the Holocaust

in #blog6 years ago

So Back in May of 2017- shortly after I first started using Steemit;

as a new user- you found a SINGLE downvote from me & included the proof of it on the blockchain.

I looked at that post- it was a post of the GUM TREE & it's flowering blooms. There was no reason to downvote that post.

Knowing myself BETTER than anyone else, I can only say- it must have been a MISTAKE, by me when I was still fairly new to Steemit. I probably;y clicked the wrong icon on the screen by mistake.

You my apologies for that downvote from over 1 year ago.

Be sure to keep that single 1 X downvote from 1 year ago BURNING in your psyche for the rest of your life & use it as justification in your DESIRE to now CASTRATE ME.

I also would like to ask, did you find this down vote yourself? Did you remember it this whole time? or did someone (perhaps a certain whale) search out my entire voting History on Steemit going back to over 1 year ago- to look for every single downvote I may have ever made.

And there by try to use the PROOF that I myself have occasional downvoted someone here & there- as JUSTIFICATION for their 1+ year long Non-stop Wholesale Flagging of my posts into INVISIBILITY because I dare express a politically incorrect viewpoint different from them?


It has nothing to do with your Posts. I don't care what you write.

How do you Like Being The Person of Interest?

Flag me for No Reason??


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