Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking, IRS Tax Evasion to the Tune of MILLIONS of Dollars Every Week on Steemit?

in #blog6 years ago

Certain individuals on Steemit have-

I have no idea how many Sock Puppet accounts they have nor do I know how many BOTS they have.

But there are small Fortunes being TAKEN off this platform EVERY DAY.

go here to see how much $ is moved around each day with Steemit-

They are moving it back & forth on & off the Exchanges. 1- taken steem $ off steemit- transfer to crypto exchange- make trades or shorts- take part of those profits on short term swing trades - or market manipulations & park it temporarily back on steemit- thereby protecting the VALUE of the $ in crypto downtrend & increasing their steem power & payouts even more. Then Repeat all over again.

How do you not know if DRUGS & other Money laundering or even "CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING" Payments are not being Money Laundered this way. Brock Pierce & Dan Larimer- Steemit startup men, was one of them an International Global Pedo Ring Leader?

Look at those #'s your talking Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars are being moved around every day with Steemit Platform.

That is Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars worth of Crypto- by single accounts. There are Multiple accounts doing this. Add it up- how many millions of Dollars of Crypto & $ Laundering is going on here- each & every day?

Anyone want to TRY & Burn this House Down? Contact the IRS & the local news outlets for Money Laundering stories.

I am not going to do this. But is anyone else was so inclined- that's their business.

Why did I make this Post & Mention The IRS & Further Commit My Own Suicide On Steemit?

Because the 1 & only thing I have ever been from Day 1 on Steemit & in all my interactions in life- is to be HONEST. I tell like I see it. Now they "WAY I SEE IT" may indeed be "WRONG" or a "MISUNDERSTANDING" on MY PART. That I concede. But I never Lie. I also do not make a habit to just maliciously go after someone. I Have on occasion been to quick to post a nasty comment to a steemit user I do not know. That I admit. But I do Not continuously seek to GO AFTER ANYONE.

If you repeatedly go after me, though, eventually I will Respond. AND OF YOU WRITE OUTRIGHT BALD FACED LIES- Then I will point out every one oy your FUCKIN LIES & FALLACIES In Complete Detail.

One thing I am not is a Snitch. I also do not encourage anyone else to be.

However someone posted something on steemit in regards to this TOPIC of something funny going on by some users & what if it was REPORTED?


In The past few days, I have also come to Realize That there are indeed groups of people on Steemit who get along & are trying to do something worthwhile & they actually USE their $ they get from Steemit Posts to supplement their income. I have NOTHING AGAINST Them. While at the same time, I realize what I wrote would not be Welcomed by then=m or anyone Person who is Using Steemit Legitimately & who "Believes in Steemit."

A Big Thanks to @berniesanders & @bloom, if it were not for your NON-STOP FLAGGING ME to Invisibility for 1+ year NON-STOP, I never would have gone down this path. I have learned so much in the past few days.

Glad I finally took the time out to see who @berniesanders & @bloom were & just how much MONEY they are Moving around with their bots & sock puppet accounts. I also noticed a number of other accounts- that were NOTHING MORE than ON-LINE Catalogs for different Flavors & Strains of BUD. Selling Bud, weed, Illegally & advertising that on Steemit.

I know in the past I occasionally came across pages on Steemit from Users who were posting nonstop PUSSY PICTURES. But I quickly left, whenever I accidentally wound up on those pages. Which makes me wonder how much SEX & Pornography SALES one might find if they went searching into that on Steemit. Not to mention anything more NEFARIOUS.

No You Self Righteous Sanctimonious Fake Bastards Your Shit Don't Stink. You want to run me off Steemit Motherfuckers, by labeling me a RACIST- when you have outright Drug Dealers & Pussy Porno Going On Here?

Go right ahead. keep at - Those of you who are the Motherfuckers- know exactly who you are.

Would reporting those accounts to the IRS- Be an attempt to Burn this house down? Or Would It Make Steemit a Better, Cleaner paltform? That I do Not Know.

More than Likely, it would not make any difference at all. Steemit is a Milking Platform, in more ways than one. Which I now believe was it's Exact Intention from the Creators, at the very start.

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