Man Hating Cult Of Cunts!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Ted Cruz Chased Out Of DC Restaurant By Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters

video of ted cruz getting chased out a restaurant by Femi-Nazis who want him to vote NO on Kavanugh. SHIT IS GOING DOWN!

Wham bam baby. Is the SJW Libtard Side Gonna Self-Explode & do it thru their Inciting the Crazy Ladies to go WAY FUCKIN OVERBOARD?

They've seriously overplayed their hand this time. How many WOMEN in America have sons? I'm sure a large % of those WOMEN in AMERICA with sons- even the mothers who ARE MISERABLE MALE HOSTILE Type women- they all KNOW this is Pure Mega BS. It's like the Salem Witch Trials- only this time just Burning the MEN at the stake. PURE Unadulterated SEXIST PERSECUTION by a thoroughly MAN HATING CULT of CUNTS. (1/2 of whom are Really upset not by this Kavanaugh thing- but by the fact tat haven't had a good lay in as long as they can remember- maybe not even 1x in their whole lives.)

The Left in America is going into SELF DESTRUCT MODE via their Inciting & Unleashing their WOMEN Lunatics into what amounts to Nothing more than pure MALE BASHING.

I have to admit I never saw it coming down this way. AS A WOMAN, I am Fully AWARE of the BACKLASH these mentally deranged females will cause for ALL WOMEN in America. The White Nationalists & MGTOW are going to have a FIELD day with this & use as their JUSTIFICATION to BASH WOMEN.

I honestly thought the Cult Of The LEFT- would meet its demise thru their nig nog, spicola, goat humping street shitter Faction. You know where what's left of the TRUE AMERICA just couldn't take their Mongrel Chimp-out anymore. THAT in combination with Globo Homo & Mainstreaming Pedophilia. I thought THOSE two would be the Ultimate demise of the Left.

Hmmm, I guess I wrong.

They Foamed At The Mouth with - They believe Survivors

Are you kidding me? Some Grown Adult Woman goes to a College Dorm Party & Gets DRUNK. She meets another DRUNK College Person. BUT he happens to be a man. So this Drunk guy flashed his wee wee. As opposed to a Drunk Girl Flashing her boobs. This man man be PERSECUTED for the Rest of his life. SHE IS NOT ONLY A VICTIM BUT NOR SHe IS A SURVIVOR!!!!!!!

A survivor of what you fucking cunts?

This whole issue is pure BS. The REAL STORY OF COURSE being the SEXUAL ASSAULT of CHILDREN. The PIZZAGATE, The PEDOGATE, The Child Sex Trafficking & Child Torture. The MAINSTREAMING- by none of than the LEFT itself the Mainstreaming of PEDOPHILIA.

We have the CULT of the LEFT Mainstreaming & Glamorizing Child Sexualization in an attempt to LEGALIZE PEDOPHILIA. And this same CULT of the LEFT- has the Absolute GAUL to PROCLAIM themselves as THE MORAL HIGH GROUND in issues of Sexual Harassment.

These are the days that are going to Make Us or Break Us - As a Nation.

This is it, the time is here. Is the shit finally hitting the fan? Or am I wrong again & is what is Left of The REAL AMERICA going to sit back & let themselves be STEAM ROLLED OVER?

I am not happy it's going down this way. This illustrates the IMPORTANCE for WHY it is Necessary for everyone to clean up their own houses first.

I do believe that it is for Men to Point out the Men in their ranks who stink & to clean their own house. It is for the Blacks in America to clean their own house. The Jews to clean their own house. JUST AS IT IS FOR THE WOMEN TO CLEAN THEIR OWN HOUSE.

Well Since The Morally Superior High Ground Cult of the Left- says THEY BELIEVE SURVIVORS

Here are some more Female Victims, some dead, But Some STILL SURVIVING! Will the Left Demand Justice for these women as well?








How about Senator Cory Booker Who Fancies Himself SPARTACUS. ( I didn't know Spartacus was Nig Nog)




A Sitting President, In the Presidential Office Ejaculated All Over a young 20 something Intern's Dress. He remained PRESIDENT. Many Women on the LEFT including one of the Demi-Gods, Hillary herself called that INVESTIGATION a WITCH HUNT!

The President of The United States while in the Oval Office Ejaculates all over a young intenr's dress. BUT THAT IS NOT SEXUAL HARASSMENT. THAT IN NO WAY DISQUALIFIES HIM FROM HOLDING OFFICE. Yet what a man supposedly did decades earlier in his younger years at a college party- somehow disqualifies HIM from holding a Judicial Seat . The CLAIM is all he did was Flash his wee wee while drunk at a college dorm party.

The Deputy Chair of the DNC Beats The SHIT out of a woman. Photos & videotape evidence. But that is not Cause for His removal. Why?

Why? Because They are Democrats, they are Muslims, they are Negros. THEY get a free pass, no matter HOW horrible their crimes are.

This is nothing but a witch hunt against every white man in America.

The Cult of the Left- has sent out their Female Witches to wage this Particular Battle. It will fail & it will backfire on them dearly. Both the Cult of The Left & The Witches will suffer greatly for this. I think this just might BE the A PIVOTAL Moment in the DEMISE of the Entire Democratic Party & CNN News Channel.

It's so comical & absurd. These People Really are RETARDED! They have No Idea Just How Retarded, Absurd & Out Of Touch With reality they are.

Over the weekend I was at the house of a neighbor. A thoroughly blue pilled normie. EXCEPT FOR 1 THING! The kids were playing in the other room, I had her Baby in my Lap- She mentioned something about THE ISSUE Concerned Her & made her MORE Cautious for her little girls safety. What was This Normie Talking about? The PEDOPHILIA RUNNING RAMPANT That is what! Plus I'm pretty sure the woman liked her HUSBAND & Family & is not the TYPE to go along with the LEFT/Democrats New Battle Call- To Destroy Every last White Man in America.

Also, a old neighbor of mine. A woman in her 70's has been telling me about some LEGAL trouble her 40 yr old son is in. Apparently according to her- HIS BITCH EX-GIRLFRIEND got drunk & had her son arrested. This woman too is thoroughly a blue pilled normie.

Point is how retarded & delusional the ESTABLISHMENT is to think the 60+ % that is still WHITE in AMERICA would just roll over & let them EVISCERATE what is left of their white men.

Point is


I forgot one. There has Surfaced a VIDEO on YouTube. Some woman claims she was RAPED by a FOREIGNER who was a Big Time $$ Doner to DIANE FEINSTEIN. That the RAPE occurred at Political Fundraiser HOSTED By Feinstein for Herself. Diane Feinstein told the woman to STFU. Betides the obvious that Feinstein probably told this foreign doner he could do whatever he pleased with any woman there. Is it AGAINST the LAW for a Senator to accept POLITICAL Donations fro a foreigner?

wahhhh wahhhhh someone doesn't like an evil supremacist genocidal war-hawk cocksucker wahhhhh my feelings wahhhhh mommy wahhhhh

christ this is an embarrassing post

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