Khashoggi - Who Give a Sh!t?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I keep seeing news stories & posts on Steem about Khashogggi.

Here is my take-

I have to ask, plainly & simply Who Cares? I mean seriously, what American Gives a F@ck?

Khashoggi was not an American citizen. I believe he was a Citizen of Saudi Arabia. Supposedly he was killed by the Saudis at a Saudi Embassy. So who cares? Why is this even news?

Khashoggi was the nephew of the Famous ARMS DEALER Adnan Khashoggi. So I'm Certain this Khashoggi guy was no innocent little boy, HE knew what he playing with & the types of people he was dealing with.

We have a US Citizen by Birth & A US Ambassador- Stevens who was left to be tortured to death at the Fall of the American Embassy in Libya. Hillary & Osama Bin Laden, said NOTHING TO SEE, move along folks. I believe our US Ambassador Stevens had a bayonet rammed into his rectum. He had made pleads & call HOURS in advance for Help. NONE was Provided.

Clearly Ambassador Stevens was purposefully left an an UNGUARDED Embassy to be killed- by then sitting President Obama. No one in the News media expressed outraged or demanded that anything be done.

So why is the media so concerned about a Saudi Arabian Citizen who was killed at at Saudi Embassy?

Was Khashogghi something other than a journalist? Was he a deep state player & a spy playing both sides of the coin?

I read something today stating Khashoggi went to High school at one point with OBAMA. I have no idea if this is true or not.

We have enough problems here in America. I honestly do not know one single American who gives shit about Khasoggi or protecting the welfare & well being of foreigners. We have enough problems & issues of our own. We have to be concerned about our welfare here in America.

Khashoggi was a Deep State Player, he knew the game he was playing. He came from a FAMILY that plays the DEEP STATE Game on an Inter-National Level. (his Uncle the world famous arms dealer) Plainly & Simply- this is a NON-ISSUE to everyday Americans. What happened to Khashoggi is his own Tough Shit. He played the game of dirty international Dirty Dealings & he played it wrong & wound up dead.

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