Hollywood Movie About - Dark Web Real Time Snuff Films

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Years ago I saw Part of some movie - on late night TV- that was HIGHLY DISTURBING.


I rarely watched TV or Movies back then- mostly I spent all my waking hours working & running a business.

Now with all this Elite Pedophilia & Satanism & Adrenachrome Stuff Coming Out In The Truth Community-

That movie comes back to my mind. I remembered it starred Chloey Seviegny & Gina Gershon... A quick google search brought it up-

The Movie Called - DEMONLOVER
Made in 2002

2 Multi-National Corporations were in a Business war- over who was going to be in control of some sort of 3D Manga Sex Porn Game- on the Internet....

Female Corporate Employees & Spies were engaging in Sado-Masochist Sex Games & Murder...

At the end of the Movie- one of the High-Up Female Corporate Employees - who had previously murdered a woman from the competing Corporation- was herself- taken to a Torture House in The Remote Desert Area - to be Sexually Tortured & Killed- it was being LIVE-STREAMED over the DARK INTERNET- and some white kid sitting in his bedroom somewhere- in AMERICA- whose Parents- thought he was in his room doing his homework- the Kid was using a Credit Card to pay - to not just see this Woman Tortured Live on The Dark Internet- but was actually PLACING HIS ORDERS OF HOW TO KILL HER.

That is what I remember. That film left me shaken up. I immediately thought that it was TRUE & Things like that were happening. Now this film came out in 2002.


In 2001 - Madeleine Albright- was still Secretary of State under President Bill Clinton. I remember in the MAINSTREAM NEWS - Madeleine Albright stating things that "WHITE SEX SLAVERY" existed & was a real issue. She also stated something about Live Stream SNUFF Films being broadcast on the Dark WEB- MOST LIKELY COMING OUT OF EASTER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES.

It was also around the time when a Business Associate & personal friend I knew- got married to a RUSSIAN WOMAN.
I remember his sister- who was a lawyer and a mean spirited woman- she commented to me- that her Brother's New Russian wife was ---- something Derogatory. She went off on a Tirade about how his new wife & her kids were at some airport in one of those SCANDINAVIAN Countries. She had just left Russia- was at a SCANDINAVIAN AIRPORT. She refused to leave the Airport or board any planes. She made her new Husband from America- leave & go ESCORT her * Her Kids from the Airport in Scandinavia- to the USA. So this guy's sister- a lawyer- was complaining about this. She thought it was not necessary & did not appreciate the EXTRA MONEY IT COST HER BROTHER. (Basically this female lawyer bitch- thought all money & assets that her parents or her brothers had access to was somehow- HERS!) Anyway- I remember telling this woman she could be MISTAKEN. There might Be some sort of ISSUE, DANGER, OR WHITE SEX SLAVERY going on & that is why her BROTHER needed to make an EMERGENCY Immediate Trip to escort his new wife & her kids over here to the USA.


Then years later I caught a glimpse of HOSTEL. Now I do not Normally Watch Horror Flicks or Slasher Movies. But I saw Hostel & AGAIN- at the time even though I was NOT INTO CONSPIRACY THEORIES or anything with the OCCULT / SATANISM-

I immediately thought- that things like that probably do happen- in some of those Former Soviet Block Eastern European Countires.....

Then years later- I read that the Director of the Movie HOSTEL- Eli Roth- was actually on the ground in some country in SOUTH-EAST ASIA- investigating the subject matter the movie HOSTEL is based on- as a true story. Eli was told in no uncertain terms to BACKOFF. So then Eli Made the Movie Hostel as a Horror Friction- Instead of as a TRUE DOCUMENTARY. Also another interesting connection is that ELI ROTH, the director of the HOSTEL movie was the boyfriend of PEACHES GELDORF. Peaches was a young socialite in England who died of a DRUG OVERDOSE - immediately after she made public comments on social media giving the names of women who had given their INFANT children up to be used FOR SEX- to a British DJ- who was Arrested for Pedophilia. In addition Peaches Geldorf is the DAUGHTER of a man who was KNIGHTED by the Queen of England & who has a Very Suspicious Background with connections to pedophilia & the MURDER/ SUICIDE of a famous Musician........... It is strange that Peaches committed SUICIDE immediately AFTER- she was THREATENED with ARREST BY THE POLICE- For her CRIME of making PUBLIC the names of the WOMEN who supplied their Infants to a Public Celebrity.


This Movie DEMONLOVER put out by HOLLYWOOD in 2002-

Features a plot & Scenes about INTERACTIVE HUMAN TORTURE & KILLING SITES- BEING STREAMED LIVE - Over the DARK INTERNET- Paid For By Wealthy People & Their CREDIT CARDS-

Here is what the Movie reviewer- ROGER EBERT wrote in 2003-

"Demonlover" begins in the cutthroat world of big business, and descends as quickly as it can to just plain cutting >throats. It's a high-gloss corporate thriller that watches a group of vicious women executives as they battle for control of >lucrative new 3-D Internet porn technology. One of the sites in question offers real-time torture and death, leading us to >wonder: (1) Can such a dangerously illegal site actually generate the fortune that seems to be involved? and (2) Are any >of these women queasy about selling human suffering at retail? The movie's answers are apparently yes and no.

Here is what Wikipedia wrote about the movie-

Diane discovers that Elaine's company is a front for a website called the Hellfire Club, an interactive torture web site dealing with extreme sadomasochism broadcast in real-time...

In the end, Diane herself is forced into the Hellfire Club. She awakens in a dungeonlike room, on a mattress, dressed in a vinyl suit ...

The final scene takes place in an American household. A teen-aged boy logs on to the Hellfire Club website using his >father's credit card. He then fills out a detailed fantasy of what he would like done to the woman on the screen... He >then allows it to play in the background as he does his science homework.


And here are two more interesting connections-

This movie DEMONLOVER- starred Chloe Seveigny. This actress recently appeared in a mini-series playing a TRANSGENDER MURDERER, She Played a Male to Female Transgender Hitman. Also if you look her up- there have been some other- quite graphic & disturbing SEX ROLES in Movies this woman has taken...

Then The Actress GINA GERSHON - is rumored to have been having sexual relations with Bill Clinton- long after he left the whitehouse. Anyone remember the recent Colon Powell remarks- that "Clinton was still Dicking Bimbos."

???? Is there a reason why certain actresses are given certain roles to play in movies?

source- https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/demonlover-2003



Now in this part- I do not Know if I should post this or not. I may later decide this is not the type of stuff i want to post & I might delete this.

but a quick search of the REGULAR INTERNET & YOUTUBE- lead to this-

these are videos on youtube- that describe what is on the DARK WEB- or in some cases contain parts of MOVIES that are supposedly on the DARK WEB. What is going on?

8 minutes about a snuff film -

TED TALKS spends 17 minutes saying the DARK WEB is ABOUT PRIVACY

Here is a youtube site- that has a lot of DarkWeb Videos- THIS SITE IS LIKE A NIGHTMARE


here is a 50 minute ANONYMOUS DOCUMENTARY ABout The Dark Web


You are going into some dark places this week!

Ironically I suspect this post won't be censored

Ultimately all this stuff freaks people out which is part of the zionist agenda, so now you are doing PR for the zionists!

that is not my intention

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