Brittney Grinder - Female Basketball- Is She really a DUDE?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

First- go Google- "CASTRATO" - it's when a Pre-pubescent boy has his testicles removed. The Elite have been documented to be doing this since at least the 1600's. Most were used for Opera Singers.

It was Written down & documented in the 1600s' that Castratos- Boys- who NEVER WENT THRU PUBERTY & Had the TESTOSTERONE Flood thru their body- never developed secondary male traits. But some things they did develop was- long, long necks, unusually long limbs...

We are Told Brittney Grinder is a FEMALE. Is she?

Per Wikipedia Brittney Grinder-

born 1990
6 ft 9 inches tall - weighs 205 pounds.
wears a size 17 shoe & has an arm span of 86 inches ( THAT IS 7.16 Feet!!!!! )

she plays basketball for the Phoenix Mercury, she is # 42
she was on the Women's USA Olympic team & she did an Endorsement deal with Nike in 2013

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I've seen a few Masculine Women, Big Women, Huge Women- in Real Life. I've once seen any woman in real life hold up a normal sized grown adult man- like this. Not even REAL Women Weight-lifters at the gym.


Look At Those Shoulders




I've spent more than a little time around more than a few Butch Dykes- I've Never Seen One Butch Lesbian - or ANY Female Lesbian In my entire life do this- In Fact I've Never once witnessed ANY Female in My Entire Life Doing this in Public.





Are There Any Female Hips There- At All?


I've seen quite a number of small breasted women. Is there any Female Breast Tissue Here At All?



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Take a "pretty little boy" castrate him- before he reaches puberty. Then pump his body full of FEMALE Hormones- add some breast implants & facial feminization surgery? What do you get? Do you get "Sexy Hollywood Actresses?" " Do you get "Victoria Secrets Models?'

Are a number of High Profile Hollywood Actresses & Victoria Secrets Models, In Fact XY Chromosome Men?

  • women usually do not have- brow ridges, very square jaws, thick neck cartilage, huge square shoulders. I said Women do not Usually have this- but XX Chromosome Women can have these features- but how many XX Chromosome have all of those features TOGETHER? -----

along with- a straight waist & no hips? I've been reading that another 100% proof sign is the BACK. The Male spine & Female spine bend at different spots. Women have a More Curvy Back. Men have a more straight back.

These are just SOME of the Differences between men & women. For some people these differences STAND OUT. For Many People- These Differences Are SUBTLE - So SUBTLE- They Are Hard To Detect. For me- many of these anatomical subtle differences were hard to detect- till I really started looking.

So before Looking at Some Well Known A-List Hollywood Actress- who is Way Sexy- Or Some Victoria Secrets Model- and saying there IS NO WAY IN HELL- That's A Dude-

Let us First Look at Some People- Who Might Be More Obvious Dudes?

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male and female skeleton[8].jpg








hamm prop.jpg





#transgender #illuminati #conspiracy

POST SCRIPT- all images taken from either- duckduckgo or google images. video from youtube


Nice adam's apple on this guy.

If anyone thinks this passes for a woman- I give up.

Thanks for uncensoring this great post - censorship could kill Steemit

SJWs don't understand the 1st Amendment. Offensive speech is the most protected speech under the 1st.

They don't grasp rule 30 either :)

so how does it work?

It changes depending on how you feel it should work...

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