@berniesanders Wants His Cash Cow Back!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Enjoy that spic dick up your ass, American steemit flagers.

Let that Caravan of 10K strong storm the border & many more will follow- non stop, emptying out the entire population of of central & south America into the USA- is not going to make life any better for you in the USA.

But keep claiming, they are all poor helpless starving babies & you are not racist.

While your at it- kick your own kids out on the street. It's time that you start CARING more for the Neighbor's kid down the street. Feed him, buy his clothes & save for his college tuition.- not your kid.

Next time ur on skid row open the back to to your car & left ANYONE jump in.Know why- because they are ALL just Poor Helpless Deprived People who need a little help & luv from a rich fuk like you.

Then leave the door to ur house open & invite any & all of the homeless in. Do not SCREEN those who enter, don't be DISCRIMINATORY.

Delusional Much Sanctimonious Non-Racist fuks?

How bout them whales- they are only non-racist diversity shitskin lovers- because they're making the Steemit Fortunes that they transfer to the tune of $10,000K worth of steemit weekly OFF STEEMIT into their Bittrex Accounts.

They're earning that steem off all the steemit users. Hence their support of you shitskins & NPC SOY BOY Types is only for them to take your $$$$$$$ by raping the reward pools. They don't give a flyin fuk about any of you.

They live in SEGREGATED AREAS- EXCLUSIVE GATED Private Entry Subdivision.

I just saw how 1, 1 just 1 of berniesanders accounts took over $17,000 worth of Steem Profits off Steemit & transferred to His Private Bittrex Account Last Month.

That is why Mr. Butt Hurt Bernie is so UPSET. His Flag war with @fulltimegeek is INTERFERING with @berniesanders Cash FLOW!

Here is one of @berniesanders Girlfriends. This is why he supports the NEGROS, Bernie loves a good "brown nose."

Here is one of @berniesanders Boyfriends. Bernie Doesn't car if you are man, woman, black, white- Just so long as you EAT his SHIT.

Oh guess what else. Those videos PROVE IT! Africans Are Superior. WHites ARe Inferior

Wkanda baby, Wakanda

We wuz KANGS

Yah The African Kangzs & Queens of a Mud Hut who Eat the ass of cow. The ONLY GROUP OF PEOPLE ON PLANET EARTH TO HAVE NEVER DISCOVERED THE WHEEL!

Flooding America With More 3rd World Shitskins Will Make America.

At least I know the coming MINI-ICE AGE with the Grand Solar Minimum they're talking about- IF it happens.

I'm not saying it's going to happen, BUT IF IT DOES, and they expect it to PEAK by 2030.

Then at least that is going to KILL OFF thru STARVATION al Lot Of people. From Africa, To Muslims, To South Amrricans.

It will Kill off a LOT OF WHITE PEOPLE TOO.

I predict The Whites who will take the BIGGEST HIT in Death Toll & the First To Go- will be among thee NPC Players, The Soy Boys, The Whigger Bitches who fuk niggers, The Oil Driiller Male Whiggers who fuk she-boons, all those Tranny types & the whole LBGT Army of freask that think the whole world should revolve around them & their 50 different FLAVORS of Gender. Along with all the Inner City Bug People sitting at that computer thinking their posts mean anything & that they ARE DIVERSITY LOVERS, NON-RACIST- GOOD People.

Remember WHITE MAN BAD. WHITE MAN EVIL. White Man racist. White Man Cause of ALL World Problems

Africa & south America having trouble now growing crops to feed their own people. It won't get any better. And AMERICA which has been Bread Basket to the World- so much for evil white man- won't be there to bail them out in the coming Ice Age.

Also how is it that with a 12 month growing season down in central & South America all those 85 IQ genius who will MAKE AMERICA GREAT- can't manage to grow their food & prevent themselves from Starving.

Guess what Dumb Fucks IQ does matter. I am not JUDGING a person's worth on planet earth by their IQ. But a Country a Nation & what it creates if a reflection of the People that Populate it & Create it.

The Africans & Central & South Americans are the way they are PRIMARILY because of themselves.


ANYONE UPVOTING ANY POST I MAKE- Gets Decimated by @berniesanders.

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