Who Does This Political Ad Benefit?

in #blog7 years ago

The Takeover Of America

This is what a takeover of America by nonWhites looks like: A hostile alien force flexing its growing demographic power and preying on its constituents’ fear of and loathing for Whites with campaign ads that portray Heritage American White men as stone cold killers:

The reality of course is the exact opposite of this blood libel video.

Whites are preyed upon by violent, criminally rampant aliens and nonWhites in the cities and suburbs where they are resettled by the Globohomo Forced Integration Project.

These locusts then proceed to shit en masse on the history, culture, and symbols of White America, smearing the descendants of White Americans who founded, built, and brought glory to the nation as redneck pickup truck drivers running down beaner babies on the streets.

And if America is so full of White devils, WHY THEY HELL ARE THEY COMING HERE?

Surely they and their 50-to-a-room families will be a lot safer in their homelands where there are no redneck neoconfederates to strike fear in their hearts.

But maybe they have begun their victory dance a little too early. They can feel their power rising, but like the impulsive dummies they are they have pounced too quickly, imprudently, for a clarifying fight with the alpha male White lion.

Instead of playing the long game of reducing the White population ratio to a sufficiently small number, they have chosen macho confrontation before they have the strength to defeat the gringo/infidel. Their puppet masters are in retreat, having lost an election and the meme wars, and are too weakened to properly manage and coordinate their primitive charges.

Virtue sniveling shitlib Whites are playing with fire.

They think they can morally preen their equalist enlightenment over their benighted BadWhite kin forever without paying any consequences.

But they badly underestimate how moronic, tribalistic, and impressionable our dirt world colonizers are.

Savior-complex shitlibs seeking religious redemption through their imported riff raff have unleashed the braying mob, and the mob won’t stop with the heads of rednecks; they will come for the soyboy libs too, and they will be consumed with just as much glee and fury.

***This whole posting above is a cut & paste from- https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2017/10/31/the-takeover-of-america/

The commentary is well written . I not only agree with t\what this author has written- I've personally witnessed it. I have lived in both Waukegan, IL & Highwood,IL towns with a high population of both Legal & Illegal Hispanics & Just Plain Disgusting SPICS .

I'm still recuperating & rebuilding my body. Typing puts a strain on certain body parts- hence most of my current posts are either short- photos or copy jobs of authors & others I find Relevant & Well written.

Here are some Maps of The USA - CentralAmerica & South Anerica.




Hispanics Belong in their own Countries of Central & South America.

You don't see White Americans going south of the Border to SPIC Land & Getting Free WELFARE FOR LIFE & Off the Mexican Taxpayer- Nor Are Whites In Mexico Running these Types of Political Ads.

Hispanic People have their Countries. They Deserve To Have Their Own Countries & To Reign Supreme in Their Own Countries- As IsTheir Basic Human Right.

Whites have a basic Human Right to- That is a right to Our Own Countries & A Reign Supreme in Our Own White People Countries- That our Ancestors Built & Died For.

A white Person is Evil Whitey when he goes meddling in foreign countries & looking for a Free Welfare Ride for life in those other countries.

A Hispanic Person- Becomes A Disgusting Beaner Spic- when they move To America & Expect Free welfare for life off the backs of hardworking WHITE PEOPLE & COMMIT violent acts all day every day against the Whites in America.

A Black person is a Black person- when they act like a Human Being, A Black Person is a Nigger- when they act like this-
never work- live of free welfare from white taxpayers as did their parents before them & their parents before them- all the while complaining about whites & committing non-stop acts of extreme violence against whites.

So no I don't hate My fellow Hispanic or black Human beings. I'm just sick of all the Spics & Niggers & Goat Fuckers in this country- ruining it & destroying the quality of live for all us Whites.

The truth about Spics In America









what is a spic? these are spics-



These are female spics-


The Truth About Blacks in America-

In 35% Black Charlotte, almost all homicides in 2017 have a Black Suspect

In 2017 St. Louis - a 49% Black/43% White city - 99% of Homicide Suspects Black

Pittsburgh Is 64.8 Percent White And 26 Percent Black… Between 2010 - 2016, 87 Percent Of Known Homicide Suspects Were Nonwhite

In 70% black Baltimore, they can remove Confederate statues overnight, but can't convince blacks to stop killing each other for a weekend

In only 8% Black Seattle, Black Violence Requires a “When Mothers Walk, Save Our Sons” March

For the 2nd Time, a Bike Share Program in 70% Black Baltimore on the Verge of Closing (Because of High Rates of Theft)
















what's a nigger? This is a nigger-





#racism #immigration #white geonocide


Great post, thanks for putting all these interesting facts that I've never seen before together in one place.

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