Vent Session RE: Double Standards a.k.a. Hypocrisy / 8 - 11 - 18steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago

As this is my last social "home" {outlet}, so to speak, I am writing this post HERE. Away from their snottiness, their hypocrisy, &, quite frankly, BS "games"....

I've said a thousand times, over, & over that I DETEST censorship. Additionally, I have neither required nor invited a "babysitter" since I was 5 years old when I was taking care of MY brand new baby brother {changing diapers, making formula on the stove, was also taught how to use the phone with whatever emergency numbers were necessary, etc.}. More than four decades, & I have done exceptionally F-I-N-E withOUT a "sitter" of ANY sort at ANY time. I DO the "sitting / guarding / protecting / defending / etc.". I am not the one that GETS "sat / guarded / protected / defended", etc...

Let me tell you a little story now. As you read the story, everything I just said should make perfect sense.

Last week, on 8 - 5 - 18, when I got home, & got on the 'puter, this individual I'd never heard of or met contacted me on facefuck. He said that he'd been going through my page, & that he really wanted me to be an administrator on one of his pages...... He said he liked my passion, my patriotism, etc.. I thought about it, & decided I'd give it a shot. So he got me sat up on the page as an administrator. Fine. As soon as he did that, my notifications blew the hell up. Why? Because of all the new members joining the page, all the likes, all the comments, you name it..... Well.... I have to interject a little something something here now.

Interjection: I have never been the kind of person that likes "crowds" of ANY kind. I have always viewed them as an intrusion into MY space, MY time, & the sanctity of MY thoughts & my thought process. I don't like it. Makes me nuts, & that's putting it mildly...... When I get on the 'puter, it is to research, it is to laugh, it is to communicate with those that I enjoy communicating with, it is to post things if I so desire, but it is NOT so that I can be bombarded with so many damn notifications that I can't even beGIN to respond to ANY of them. That pisses me off! Makes me feel "crowded", suffocated to where I can't fucking BREATHE, & "behind"! I sure as HELL can't think when I feel like that, & I have always been the kind of person that MUST be permitted to THINK! I THRIVE on being able to think. ANYthing that interferes with me being able to think - HAS TO BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY! So.... I MUST be able to think, be able to categorize, organize, strategize, run potential scenarios through my head, etc. etc. etfuckingcetera. I just HAVE to. I've always been that way. Since I was a damn child.

NOW THEN......... To make all that even WORSE? Friend request, after friend request, after friend request. Hold up! I do NOT want you to interpret that the way I'm SURE you probably are. I got nothing against having "friends". Nothing at all. What I DO have a problem with is when those people are only sending me those requests because they see, through someone ELSE, that now I'm an administrator......... THAT'S when those "requests" started coming, you see. NOW do you understand?

Now let me try to get back to what I'm REALLY venting about here, & where the hypocrisy comes in with all this.......

I said to the guy that I don't know what I need to do as an administrator of a page. He responded, "just do what you do on your own page, except put it on our page, too"..... I said, "okay, I can do that, that's no problem, but you need to know that I get put in facefuck jail from time to time".... He said that was fine...... Okay....

So.... I was pumped. I was excited. Just like anything else I do in my life, I wanted to do a good job. So I began putting things on his page.... About a day or so later I think it was, he sent me a message to steer clear of putting anything out about alex jones, infowars, or anything about barry soertoro {HE said obama, but whatever}...... Okay.... I told him that I thought I DID actually already put something on his page about barry, but that I'd double check myself, & take care of it. He said nothing more.....

I then proceeded to go to the page, & look for what I thought I'd put there. Couldn't find it. Not anywhere........ It was G-O-N-E.......... Oh yeah... I'm pissed. As I said, I don't GET "sat" - I DO the "sitting". You don't like something I've done on YOUR page, that's your prerogative. You tell me, & I'LL handle it. You do NOT "do it FOR me", or rather "TO me". You understand me here? I am responsible for my own shit. That's just how it is, folks.

However.... For some reason, I felt compelled to look at the page a little more. Know what I saw? Come on, you're a smart cookie, I'm SURE you know what I saw.... I saw posts, & may-mays about..... Say it with me...... Alex jones, infowars, & yes, barry soertoro....... Now..... You wanna explain to me how I'M not allowed to put anything about any of that stuff, but it's totally fine if anybody ELSE chooses to? Hmmmm.... DOUBLE STANDARDS, MUCH???

Now let's get into another area on all this here that's really chaffing my thighs, shall we? K...... So, back on MY own page mind you, I have found more goodies, & I have posted them, & as usual I also add commentary to what I post. Same ol', same ol', just as I've done since I sadly joined that damn site about three years ago. K..... 'Member all those "friend requests"? Okay...... Let's talk about those people now, shall we? Oh yes, let's DO!

So here I am.... On my OWN page.... Posting what I WANT, & or NEED to post, & here come these new "friends" with all this damn attitude over what I'm posting........ Let's see.... There was the one where one of those "friends" had tagged me in a post that THEY actually did. It was about chemtrails. Okay.... I was shocked, & I "commented" on there that I had thought I had read something about those having been ordered to be stopped. Here comes somebody, don't know WHERE the hell this person even came from, & they immediately resort to, "WHO said they were ordered to be stopped"....... Well, that threw me, to be quite honest. I mean, that was quite a rude way to enter into a conversation that was between ME & the one that made the post. Wouldn't you agree? Do you know YOUR manners, & etiquette? Mmm-hmmm. Okay.... So, trying VERY HARD to remain polite, I responded to this person with what I knew. I let them know that I could have sworn that I'd read about a few months ago that our president had ordered those to be stopped. THAT individual did not respond to me at that point.

Okay.... So then here comes this broad that wasn't even included in the tagging of the post. She immediately, every bit as "polite", & well mannered as the other broad, IMMEDIATELY dives in with, "they are an off worlder program, NO president can change it"....... Okaaaaaay. So I proceeded to stop interacting at that point. Those bitches don't know how to conduct themselves politely with another human being, let alone introduce themselves politely, therefore I am not wasting anymore of MY time with them. Let's move on to the next one........

So on MY page, I proceeded to post an EXCEPTIONALLY well put together video by someone regarding hillary clinton & the snuff film that she & huma yabba dabba ding dong made....... Wanna know what the next kind of response I got from one of those new "friends" was? He said the video looked "hoky", said he didn't see anything incriminating, that he's going to wait & see if it's true, & my personal favorite, that I should resist posting potential ammunition for "the left" to use in trying to make US look like a bunch of right wing conspiracy theorists........... Mmmm-hmmmm.....

Now....... I HAVE the courage of my convictions. Make NO mistake. However........ Once a specific act has been achieved, & my Son knows what I'm referring to, I will be removing myself as administrator from that page, & as far as ANY of those so-called "friends" are concerned - if they don't like what I have to say & they can't keep their mouths shut about it - I WILL show them "the door"! Can't wait to get my fucking page BACK!

PLEEEEEEASE hurry up, Son!!!!!!! Get 'er done, Boy!!!!!!!!

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