Life is out there #4 -Transformation

in #blog7 years ago

I'm again sorry for being a bit slow with updates on my journey, but there is just too much things going on and its hard to find the time for writing.

Days are passing one after another in crazy whirl and I think it is now two months since I arrived. Weather around Auckland is getting better and we can feel the spring is slowly coming to the land. Its not as cold, rain doesn't last as long as before and sun is seen more and more, smiling to us. We started exploring nature more and had few good nights sleeping outside. Its now safe to sleep in the tent!


Two weeks ago we went up North to see the Cape Reinga. Its Northest place of New Zealand where Tasmanian see meets the Pacific ocean. By the Maori tradition its the place where souls of the dead travel to leave the land of living. It was quite spectacular sight seeing two seas crushing to each other. To add a bit of atmosphere storm was raging not to far, thunders shaking the ground and lightnings shooting through the darkening night.


We travel through North lands for two days, slept on the Kerikeri tranquil white beach where we finally enjoyed some proper night sky, morning sun salutation and swim in the ocean. Amazing place for camping! We also visited sand dunes close to Cape Reinga. Such an amazing place! Out of nowhere suddenly green lush forest gives away to huuge sand dunes! Its hard to describe by words, but hopefully pictures will give you a bit of a feeling.





Last week we went to Whatipu beach not too far from Aucland, explored the magnificent caves and then set up to make a camp between dunes on the beach. You have to be a bit careful as open fires and camping on beach is prohibited almost everywhere on New Zealand so certain amount of stealthiness is needed! First time in my life I saw rainbow which went all the way down and its bottom was right on the ocean. Was quite tempted to go and check whether the stories of treasures by the bottom of rainbow are true, but the cold water and fact I'm not great swimmer stopped me, probably for the best. It was a bit cold night as wind was blowing hard, but we had good time anyway. Celebrated our friends Sasha bday in the nature by fire, music and drinking as a real celts.


Tomorrow, if the weather allows, we will go and explore the volcano Rangitoto which we watch from windows of our house and finally I may have a chance to climb on!

Transformation is not only happening in nature and weather, everything is changing! Quite a bit of change happened in our house. Lot of our loved friends left to carry on their travels and house suddenly became quiet. No more parties every night, no more drinking and dancing. Everyone slowly settled to more peaceful and quiet way of being.

Almost full house

I have moved to new room. So from my dungeon I'm now in the ground level. Room was so dark that in first moment I came into it I felt like being in the tomb..Well well. This will take some work. I have started changing it to room of light. While clearing the bush outside to get first glimpses of light an idea came to my mind. As the windows are to the dark side, maybe I can put on some mirrors and forward the sun to the room. Sounded to me like funny project so I set up doing it. I'm slowly getting more and more mirrors and guess what? Its working! No more tomb, but nice and sunny room. Now I will hang up to the ceiling glass crystal to reflect the sun everywhere.

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Another transformation is happening inside me. One of the reasons I came to New Zealand was to understand and learn more about meditation. I have always been drawn to it, but never found anyone who could point me in right direction and give me some guidance. I have found now and thanks to @magayogini I'm now learning. Didn't have great success with Capoeira in Auckland, classes are very limited and far from Kohimarama, but Maga as yoga teacher made me quickly realize that stretching quality yoga brings could help me in Capoeira a lot in the future. So I have focused more on yoga. And woala! Through yoga meditation came to the reach. Got one month unlimited classes in yoga centre and some types of yoga, like yin yoga, are indeed very close to meditation. After few weeks of practice I had this strange thing happening to me. I would wake up in the morning and feel like I want to meditate! Never had this before. Just to close the eyes and listen to what my mind does when I'm not listening! Also Maga showed me this application Insight Timer where people meditate together, share the guided meditations and basically there is tons of resources on the topic. So the time feels right and the meditation came to me quite naturally.


Another topic which is heavily in my mind lately is unschooling, something I have never though about before, but thanks to @gomart and the documentary Being and Becoming (Etre et Devenir) I have lot to think about. I really recommend you to see this. Its life changing knowledge to have. The basic idea is that if you don't put your children to school and instead follow it and let it learn it will learn everything quite naturally. Amazing film to show people who choose this path.

I can say I have succeeded in my crypto mission here. Almost all the house mates now bought some Bitcoins, have their wallet setup, are using steem and such. Everyone has basic understanding that cryptocurrencies exist. Job well done!

With the weather becoming nice I'm now starting to think more about my Araroa walk, as much as I like time in Auckland I can't wait to be in nature and walking over this amazing land. Slowly I will start getting my things together. I'm signed to Vipassana meditation course in beginning of November and when that finishes it will be time for me to see the Cape Reinga again, but this time I will leave on my foot!

I think that's about all I have in my mind to share for now. Thank you for reading!


Cape Reinga

Pacific meeting the Tasman sea

End of fun when your car get stuck on the beach

Yoga professional & yoga unprofessional

Kerikeri Beach shots






Decoration of my room made by our talented housechief.
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Laundy shop people use a lot around!

First Haka I came across
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Thank you for reading and special thanks to my friend who are now being with me and sharing this time and space with me. You are all special @magayogini @chibalba @gomart @clemmort


Great post Blood!

There is a beautiful human being inside everyone.
“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

You are brave sleeping in tents it's still really cold, the weather is so unpredictable at the moment. Have you stayed at Kai Iwi Lakes on your travels up North?
Have you tried a community hall they might have someone doing yoga lessons they are normally around $10 ish dollars a lesson.

I'm from cold country, so weather in New Zealand is quite pleasurable for me even in winter :) No I have not seen Kai Iwi lakes, not even sure where they are. But maybe later when I'm walking around there I will have chance.

Many from cold country's can't handle the cold in NZ as they say it's a wet cold, were they are used to a dry cold. At least you can handle the weather.
Kai Iwi lakes are just past Dargaville they have three lakes, not surer how nice they are now as about 4 years ago they cut all the pine trees down.


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