Gaining The Attention Span Of Followers In The Modern World Of Blogging & Vlogging

in #blog7 years ago

Gaining the attention of followers can be quite a task in it's self as producing great content via your knowledge, information you have gained.


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Blog or Vlog about subjects that you know about or generally interested in, you don't need to know everything all at once, let your followers know your learning as well, share new knowledge you find with them, they may share their knowledge with you too.


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Get to the point quick smart don't dilly dally or you'll lose peoples interest with a click, as we all lead very busy life's, they may only have a few minutes spare to browse.
Use pictures or visual aids as much as possible with text explaining your point as humans we are very visual.
Vlogging think of your attention span of how long a video you would watch, does long videos the number just put you off clicking, then your audience may be the same.
Many vloggers put out 1 -2 hour plus vlogs, that is a long time, as a parent to be quite honest we don't have that long to sit and listen for that long, the vlogs for adults should range from about 6 -15mins, do them in bite size chunks.
If you have a lot to say break it up into bite size parts, you'll find that it will be easier for your audience to digest and you may get more of an audience.
For live videos when put them on the feed after the live event put them in bite size chunks also as your audience is now not apart of the live event the same atmosphere wont be there for them.


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Interact with your audience, go and check out their blogs, vlogs or social media accounts get to know those that comment or up vote you, if they comment on your post, make a personal comment back.
If you don't have time, how do you expect your audience to have time to visit you, you wont be able to visit all but may be do 5 -10 a day different followers, that make comments that appeal or stand out.

Competition vrs Hobbie

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There are other bloggers & vloggers in this social media sphere they might be more knowledgeable than you, have more spunk but

why are you here?

If your trying to compete with others, then only you put yourself in a competition with others, when you look at others blogs or people with higher followers don't get disheartened, if your just starting out, you wont have that many followers, if you do a post once a month or once in a blue moon then your followers wont follower.
Bloging & vlogging is about consistency, engaging and having fun, we enjoy our hobbies, so if we look at it as a hobbies we enjoy then the enjoyment and passion will reach your followers.
There is going to be others that write about what you do, just write what you know, you may see a a blog post that is in the same topic that you are knowledgeable about, you may want to add some more knowledge or put another point of view, you could write in the comments or write a reply in a post.

Blogging & Vlogging Community's

Join blog or vlogging community's there are many on discord, it's a great way to interact with other bloggers/vloggers where you can see what others produce, get some ideas, chat, learn and interact with others that doing the some thing as you, where you may get more incite on how to do things.
You may learn of help others to learn some short cuts or keep each other motivated.

If your Blog or Vlog are too long is your message being lost?

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@biglipsmama just came across your post. Good info! Love videos, even if they are interesting lose the excitement when they are too long. 5 to 10min. is a sweet spot i think.

Hey @keepinitreal, lovely to meet you.
Thanks, I'm in the same boat, love videos, my sweet spot is more 10 - 15 depending on the subject.

This is informative. I don't have that much followers yet. This helps a lot! Thanks to u!

Glad this was of some help, lovely to me you @joanderit.

This is really helpful. Glad to have read it. Will surely apply these tips on my next posts.

Glad it was of help, have followed to be able to keep up to date with your blogs, Welcome to steemit, looking forward to watching your travels.

@Biglipsmana please vote your brother this is sad kalini no one vote at home also no more food, please

Hey @fauzahari, Thank you for the invite to your blog, have left some tips on one of your posts. :)

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