The Law of Attraction - Part 3 (Winning The Lottery)

in #blog7 years ago



This is a post on how winning the Lottery works when it comes down to Manifestation.

First of all, understand that The Lottery is just a game, it is just a game like 'hide and seek' But because so much emphasis is placed upon it by so many people it becomes a battle of one particular winner in the "consensus reality".

But understanding you can shift to a reality with your own thoughts and actions it no longer becomes a consensus reality but a self-attracted one.

Now when people start playing The Lottery the mindset more often than not, goes like this:

"I hope I pick the winning numbers"
"I hope I pick the winning numbers"
"I hope I pick the winning numbers"

Here is the key in all of that, understand that when you choose your numbers whether by your own choice or letting the machine choose for you, understand that you are still choosing.

But the key thing to understand is that you are not picking the winning numbers, but the key is you will pick numbers you will shift to a reality where those are the winning numbers, you will bend the reality to your numbers, not the other way around.

The difference in the mindset is absolutely profound, because when you enter into the lottery
"I want to pick the winning numbers"
"I hope I pick the winning numbers"
"I wish to pick the winning numbers"

You are talking about ''THE'' winning numbers, as if it is already decided what they will be, but they are not!
Nothing has been drawn yet, there is no outcome yet.

So when you choose numbers from your passion, to play this game of the Lottery.

You must allow yourself to know that you can allow THE REALITY to match your NUMBERS
Not your NUMBERS to match THE REALITY.

The idea also is when doing this
Is When many say they would like to win the lottery, many actually are not as excited about it as they think.

For many, The Lottery brings up in people the idea of Many Doubts, Many Beliefs, Many Definitions that brings about a uncertainty. And so when you enter into it with that kind of a mindset you instantly LOSE!

So it's like a measuring that is going on to the concept of Wealth and Abundance, and that is how many of the people playing the Lottery use it.

So anytime you play!
No matter the outcome may be, When you explore the idea of wealth and abundance, your relationship to the concept of wealth and abundance, then in that context YOU HAVE WON!

I am not saying that you can not win
But it is like anything else, when you are passionate about something you bring it into manifestation
And so most will never win because they are not passionate about the Lottery.

The lottery may be one of the ways in which you can afford your reality to be filled with abundance but it is not the only way.

So don't limit yourself.

Do so with the understanding that it is for the purpose of opening up for you an opportunity to get in touch with your relationship with abundance, your relationship with wealth. And if you use it that way, you will allow yourself to go into that game, in the neutral state of being that represents your highest passion and excitement, that will actually allow for you to have the greatest probability that you have won.

Also what happens often with spiritual people is they don't understand that Wealth cannot be related to physical material things. But there is no such thing. IT IS ALL WEALTH, IT IS ALL ABUNDANCE, Spiritual or Physical.

So when you follow these steps you will win every time in some way!
When winning in any way becomes equal to winning in any other way
You allow for the greatest/highest possibility to win in the Game of Lottery.

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you are not picking the winning numbers, but the key is you will pick numbers you will shift to a reality where those are the winning numbers, you will bend the reality to your numbers

Well said!

Your reality= your numbers are the ones picked ...

Great post!

I love the concept you describe both for lottery and also for any goal in life. You need to visual and verbalize your goals in order to influence your reality. I will try this out on my next lottery run and will keep you posted :)

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