How Zelda change my life

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

The life of a person can change without even realizing it, I would be about 5 or 6 years old, I was on vacation with my family on Margarita island, at a certain moment we entered in a store and on the shelves we noticed (my sisters and I) a console that was strange to us (a Nintendo 64), we took advantage of our charms and we managed to acquire the artifact, I remember that in the room of the apartment, the adults present did not have much knowledge about how they should connect the Nintendo 64, the fact was that of the few games we bought in that opportunity, one of them was this:


I will not talk about the technical details of the game, you can search that in Wikipedia, I'll talk about that girl's perspective and how playing that game marked her.


My own mother became addicted
A woman who became so involved in the history of the video game that she neglected domestic chores just to see us play and try to help us move forward.

The game was in English
My native language is Spanish, that barrier was present, which separates us to understand what happens; that made us fall again and again in the sermon of the owl when he asked: Have you understood?, and the default option was No, then it repeated the same thing again and again in a loop that seemed infinite. From this moment I was interested in learning other languages because I wanted to know EVERYTHING that was said there, a necessary element to advance in the game.

The difficulty of the game
It probably seems like an easy game now, but remember how old I was, also the game was in English and the Internet platform was not available to everyone so easily, it was a real challenge.

Automation in Zelda:
The game has many elements of automation present: logic, timers, buttons, actuators; notions of flow, pressure, level, temperature, is impressive intelligence that was used to develop a game so unique in its class for the time.

The whole story
I'm addicted to storytelling, who tells me that this game does not have a wonderful plot line, just DO NOT TALK TO ME. It has everything, an unexpected hero, and many plot twist, my favorite plot twist in the story are when the premonitory dream of Link is fulfilled and after carrying the gems, it becomes an adult Link, which by the way, everything is different for this character, he can not use his old objects from when he was a child, his surroundings change to a more gloomy one, a destroyed Hyrule that brings us to the nostalgia of childhood (Very similar to the reality of life) and also the treatment that the other characters in the game provide to him is different (for better or for worse). My second favorite plot twist in the game is, THE CLIMAX: when the adult Link has managed to obtain all the medallions and upon returning to talk with Sheik, the true identity of Sheik is revealed, that this friend of adulthood, reveals which is, actually, Princess Zelda, Ganandorf bursts into the scene, reveals also your true identity and in this very dramatic moment, the villain kidnaps the princess and you only have one thing left to do: arm yourself with courage and go to the dark floating castle to rescue your girl.

Since then I've only had the opportunity to play and complete: Majoras Mask (I think it's my favorite), Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. I played Breath of the wild and I loved how little I played, however, I have not had the opportunity to complete it.

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