RE: The Rules of Whale Club
I had to reply here to answer you, the other ones were maxed out
1/ You don't need to have more words to make a post effective every single time. Memes speak for themselves and generally need nothing else, a lot of the time. So to say every meme needs wording all the time.... is false. They don't.
I also identify my short form posts nearly every time in the title -- Saying Short Form Post - so people know upfront. Lots of whales and dev's have openly discussed short form content as having value many times. Again, value is not dictated by slapping a pile of words on something. I say again, every case is different.
2/ Every one is different - if I have to edit them a lot or play around with things, could take me 30 or 60 mins. Some take 5 mins or 15 mins. Every case is different and often depends on the photo one would pick for the canvas or background of the photo on it - so to speak
I asked how long because many of them look like they would take me 15 mins to create (like you admitted yourself). That's not much of an effort.
My shortest 300 word TIL posts take 90-120 mins to make, not counting reading up/researching the topic first and look for material.
Thwt is true that memes can say something for themselves and don't need additional content but then they have to be really good and not look like some generic contemt. I see that you think that your memes and work are very good. What made you think that?