Blog #6 + Dream

in #blog6 years ago

Ok, no he dibujado, hoy creo que saldre con unos amigos y tal pero queria dejar algo por aqui, necesitaba escribir algo y darle algo de estructura a un sueño que tuve no fue realista si no al contrario tan subrealista que fue divertido y al despertarme realmente me sentia feliz aunque solo podia decir entre risas "estoy viendo muchas peliculas" bueno sin mas dejo el sueño.

Estaba en una especie de desierto con una amiga del instituto y su novio, estaba oscureciendo y realmente estabamos barados y desorientados, por alguna razon teniamos miedo de la noche y solo comenzamos a caminar, se veia no muy lejos una ciudad mas estaba cubierta por algo, realmente ignoraba el porque en dicho momento solo buscamos "refugio" en aquel momento pero entre mas caminabamos mas se oscurecia y al caer la noche empezo el fin y inicio de todo, ruidos, gritos, de un segundo a otro me sentia en Maze Runner, la noche caia y zombies... o algo similar empezaban a aparecer salimos a correr hasta conseguir una especie de casa abandonada, solo llegamos y al entrar mi amiga fue... asesinada su novio al intentar salvarla por igual, bien entre habian otras personas... que no conocia y seguian cuerdas... pensaba yo en aquel momento que estaba enloqueciendo, sin mas termine por pasar la noche en aquel sitio, bien siempre soy fria ante ese tipo de cosas me encargue facilmente de aquellos zombies, al llegar la mañana salimos aquel grupo de persona de aquella casa abandonada y terminamos por caminar aquel tramo a la ciudad, bien llegamos a esta se notaba que aquello que le cubria era un domo, asi mismo entramos y nos dispersamos, a aquellas personas no las volvi a ver debo de aceptar mas tenia que seguir, el sueño se volvia cada vez mas raro senti como si los dias pasaran y mi mente se colocaba al dia, habia una especie de infeccion, la noche los hacia despertar, era subreal todo y entre mas soñaba mas raro se tornaba, sin mas iba tarde a clases... y llegue a esta por lo visto tenia un amigo, un chico realmente agradable y en casa tenia un conejo mascota, llegaba la noche y en la ciudad se podia salir y vivir bien mas, el dia habia terminado y me encontraba en casa, sin mas aquel pequeño conejo comenzo a hablar, yo totalmente impactada me quede mirandolo fijamente y trague algo asustada, este comenzo a alarmarse y entre una nube de humo se volvio humano? tomo forma humana? no entendia que ocurria y realmente se me hizo extraño, solo comenzo a abvertirme y me abrazo sin mas, corri con el y al salir la ciudad estaba sumida en un caos total, un ser similar a el estaba comandando a aquellos zombies, este me llevo lejos y en el camino me encontre con aquel amigo mio quien estaba realmente asustado, todos en la ciudad o en su mayoria se habian vuelto aquellos monstruos, solo corrimos hasta llegar a una especie de bunker, bien llegamos este conejo? humano? comenzo a explicar que era, quien era y que fue todo eso..., luego de una larga explicacion dejo en claro tres cosas... era un vampiro o algo similar, fue el causante de aquella contaminacion y aquel hombre que los controlaba era "su hijo" o algo similar, eso volvia aquellos zombies en especie de vampiros inferiores o algo similar y de nuevo todo se tornaba realmente raro... mas sin mas desperte riendome con algo de alergia.

Ok, I have not drawn, today I think I'll go out with some friends and such but I wanted to leave something here, I needed to write something and give some structure to a dream that I had was not realistic if not on the contrary so surrealist that it was fun and when I woke up I really felt happy even though I could only say between laughs "I'm watching a lot of movies" Good without more I leave the dream.

I was in a kind of desert with a friend from high school and her boyfriend, it was getting dark and we were really broken and disoriented, for some reason we were afraid of the night and we just started walking, it was not far away a city was covered by something , I really did not know why at that moment we only searched for "shelter" at that time but the more we walked the more it became dark and at nightfall the end and beginning of everything began, noises, screams, from one second to another I felt in Maze Runner , the night fell and zombies ... or something similar began to appear we ran to get a kind of abandoned house, we just arrived and upon entering my friend was ... killed her boyfriend to try to save her equally, well there were other people ... who did not know and followed ropes ... I thought at the time that I was going crazy, without more end up spending the night in that place, well I am always cold in front of that kind of things I easily take care of those zombies, when the morning arrived we left that group of people from that abandoned house and ended up walking that stretch to the city, well we came to this it was clear that what covered it was a dome, so we entered and we dispersed, to those people I did not see them again I had to accept more had to continue, the dream became more and more strange I felt as if the days passed and my mind was up to date, there was a kind of infection, the night made them wake up, it was all over and the more I dreamed the weirder, the more I went back to class ... and I came to this apparently I had a friend, a really nice guy and at home I had a pet rabbit, the night came and in the city I could go out and live well more, the day had ended and I was at home, without more that little rabbit began to speak, I totally impacted me stared at him and swallowed something scared, he began to be alarmed and a cloud of smoke became human ? I take human form? I did not understand what was happening and it really made me strange, it just started to open up and I just hugged it, ran with it and when I left the city I was in total chaos, a similar being he was commanding those zombies, this one took me far away and on the way I found that friend of mine who was really scared, everyone in the city or in the majority had become those monsters, we just ran until we reached a kind of bunker, well did this rabbit arrive? human? began to explain what it was, who was and what was all that ..., after a long explanation made clear three things ... was a vampire or something similar, was the cause of that contamination and the man who controlled them was "his son" or something similar, that turned those zombies into a kind of lower vampires or something similar and again everything became really weird ... but without waking up laughing with some allergy.

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