Well that sounds enticing! I certainly do love bananas!!! I've never really considered having a conversation with one, but altering one's neuroplasticity can actually be a good thing. I look forward to this thought provoking concept.
༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ
Haha!!! It's actually fun talking to this bunch of bananas. I thought I was going bananas, but no... it has actually helped me with my sanity on Steemit, with all the crypto language I don't know about.
and, btw, I found your post because it was resteemed by @evlachsblog.
Just goes to show.
See! Resteeming isn't useless after all! I'm gonna have to stop by @evlachsblog and show some love!
Likely yours too, because with a name like @bananamemos, you've certainly piqued my interest ;)
Thank you, @futuremind. I would love that. :-)
Hope you stop by and see what we've got goin' on, @futuremind. We're a collective of anthropomorphized bananas with LOTS to say. :-D
Well that sounds enticing! I certainly do love bananas!!! I've never really considered having a conversation with one, but altering one's neuroplasticity can actually be a good thing. I look forward to this thought provoking concept.
༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ
Haha!!! It's actually fun talking to this bunch of bananas. I thought I was going bananas, but no... it has actually helped me with my sanity on Steemit, with all the crypto language I don't know about.
Well that makes me feel like this wasn't a complete shitpost :) Thank you very much for the compliment!
I'm happy you enjoyed the read.
Thanks for reading and commenting!