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RE: A life of ethics and Steemit...lets get fundamental.....philosophy ...part 5

in #blog6 years ago

You say that steem is not meritocracy, that the stakeholders don't merit the stake and power that comes with it, that it's only might is right.. Well nobody is forcing you to maintain or sustain such a system are they? Nobody promised you anything did they and if they did, it was surely not their to promise and the caveat is always BUYER BEWARE. Obviously the problem with your premise is that the stakeholders are the market, they decide what to spend their money / vote on, and nobody is forcing anyone to use their stake or not to, and they cannot force anyone. Everyone is free to invest or free to leave. The inflation isn't anyone until it is paid out, until then it's simply a matter of a mathematical function. Nobody owns it beforehand and even if they did, they can freely choose to release it for everyone else to vote on. It's inconsequential.

Much like a fisherman can choose to release his catch to anyone and everyone he pleases, in whichever way he chooses to, as long as he does not harm or cause injury to another. Yet the best comparison is to a company and it's stakeholders. They can choose to own stake and therefore decide as to the direction of the company, or they can cash out. So here, people can choose invest and decide the direction of the system with their stake and witness votes or they can cash out.

Nobody made any promises of returns and the way that steem functions is free market, people are free to curate as they want. You can compare it to might is right, but in a free market, one entity cornering any one market or multiple markets is not unheard of. The first monopoly was over olive presses, directly because one individual decided to use his "monetary might" to rent out all presses before the harvest and corner the market on olive presses and the demand for olive presses was so high because of his cornering the market that if he chose to do so, he could have ruined the livelihood of everyone who depended on them by refusing to share them at any price. So can people here ruin the demand for participating by buying up all stake and use it to reward themselves. Unlike in the other scenario where people could have simply used force to take the presses if he chose not to sell at any price, people here have no way to force anyone to do so though.

Posted using Partiko Android


Are you in love with me?


Have I hit a nerve in steem central?

Or moms basement central whatever

How old are you, John?

Get over yourself. As if I need to explain why I chose to dispel the nonsense that you write about steem, ethics and.. philosophy. Usually when people respond to others, they don't ask insipid questions about why they responded, and instead they are extended the exact same curiosity and decency that they extend to respond. If you don't value my response that's fine. If you have anything to say about what I said, go ahead and use your so called "high intelligence" and form a worthwhile response, or don't, and instead do what you've been doing so far, pretending that you find my responses and arguments hilarious.

Postmodernism and it's perspectives are mental illness - you seem to be mentally ill, by that definition ( I was, once).

Mockery seems to be the best medicine, John, not debate.

I'm trying to help.

What are you talking about you quack? What is postmodernist about anything I said? And you generally engage in assessing individuals mental health based on appearance over the internet? How dumb and desperate are you? Mockery is how you treat people with mental illness? You are no authority on anything based on you impotence on this subject. How many people have you successfully treated again? Your help was not asked for was it? Stop trying to avoid discussing the OP and trying to psychoanalyze me.

Posted using Partiko Android

Your help was not asked for was it?

Just as your comments were not asked for on my feed.
Free speech is fun isn't it?

Stop trying to avoid discussing the OP and trying to psychoanalyze me.

I don't need to - you are waving flags around telling everyone.(you just don't see it)

While you're on my property, I'll do as I wish. <<< That was bait - are you gonna take it?


What a quack. He posts and doesn't expect responses even though there is no option to refuse response on the medium. If you don't want my comments stop posting.

This is not 'your property'.

Posted using Partiko Android

...who's property is it, then?

Good question. Is the comment section your property you clown?

Are your comments to me my property you clown?

That brings up the point:

If a worker produces a product, does he own it if he gets compensated for his work by his employer? If the witnesses produced the blocks and validate them, do they own it?

If nobody's property rights were violated, what is the so called ethical dilemma you clown?

Posted using Partiko Android

The comment section is not your property. Capiche.

This is not your property.

Posted using Partiko Android

You don't need to psychoanalyze me, but you do so anyway. When questioned exactly as to what you considered postmodernism, you have nothing to say. What a whack ass fake intellectual.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is not 'your property'.

ahhhhhhhhh! The fish bites....lmao

More cackling at my mental illness?

The fake is strong with the cackler.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not on your property. You don't have any claim of ownership over the responses to your post. They are not on your property. If you can prove I am on your property, do so.

Posted using Partiko Android

How small you must feel (shudders). I'm trying to help

The feels.. Lol

Nobody owns the ocean.

Nobody owns the blockchain.

Nobody owns the comment section.

Idiot can't fathom that the comments aren't on his property.

Posted using Partiko Android

Still waiting for you to provide proof of said property...

Instead, you are muh feels. You are trying to help what? You cannot even recognize property rights. You think I am on your property. You are a complete idiot as far as I can tell.

Nobody owns the comment section. The comments aren't on your property.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is not your property.

Posted using Partiko Android

Mocking me for pointing out your baseless nonsense? What exactly are you mocking me for?

Posted using Partiko Android

Just trying to help you grow up.

What are you mocking me for? Not being grown up because... What a quack clown.

Posted using Partiko Android

How old are you john?

However old you think I am, it still doesn't mean that you have anything to mock me for.

Posted using Partiko Android

BTW, stop calling me John. Stop acting like we have any kind of rapport, and stop pretending that you are a qualified psychiatrist or you know anything about mental illness. You see my screen name, use it. If you'd rather mock me I'm not stopping you, just don't expect me to not ridicule and make a mockery out of you though.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'll call you anything I like on my feed, John.

You see my screen name, use it

No, john , not on my feed.

Ditto you clown. You can keep responding to my comments too.

Posted using Partiko Android

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