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RE: It has come to my attention that I need to explain things a little more...and this is better!

in #blog6 years ago

Isn't it ironic that this posts begins by talking about how people don’t understand words, so more or less on a premise of their lack of ability, and you and others swiftly agreed to what otherwise is undefined, unexplained, and despite the pictures, has no indication of ethics, and here you are suggesting that neither ethical or moral is specific enough to describe the problem you and others agreed to.

I said that if I were to ask you or him what exactly is the ethical issue, it would only be a matter of equity/equality/fairness, which is exactly the only indication one can take from this nonsensical post, where he illustrates how a net catches more fish.

Despite the "this is logically consistent" rhetoric, the other irony is that nobody bated an eye when he went from talking about fishing, to talking about killing. All that logical consistency, only to state some utter nonsense, and it worked, who was the wiser to recognize the false preface?

Posted using Partiko Android


I was talking about pure logic, not fishing or killing.
Are you really that intellectually dim?
I don't think you are, which just makes you disingenuous

I would say manipulative, buy while you might think you are clever - you are no where close to being good at manipulation. ( I was born into a family of experts of the fuckers).
Remember how I reeled you in as exercise in manipulation? - I told you i was gonna do it, before I did it - and then you fell for anyway?? lolol old are you, btw? I thinking you must be under 20?

I wasn't talking about fishing but how you went from an analogy focused on competition to the strongest get away with murder.

Posted using Partiko Android

What's the analogy about? Huh? You had an analogy about the reward pool being akin to fishing in the ocean (nobody owns either and best equipment usually nets most fish) to talking about might is right- I can kill you because I'm stronger. What is manipulative about pointing out that without missing a beat you basically prefaced an non sequitur with a logical consistent argument, and then went to conclude that the non sequitur is somehow true or applicable. The irony of calling me manipulative.

Posted using Partiko Android

I asked you numerous times who's property rights are violated or who's consent is violated and all you want to do is ask me an non sequitur about my age while calling me mentally ill because I questioned your claim about banking, now you call me manipulative. The hypocrisy is strong with you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Seems you're still angry at your family, don't take it out on me.

Posted using Partiko Android

You literally went from talking about fairness, equitable, as the analogy was about competition between two typical fishermen (ergo fairness) to talking about killing one another without anything to tie the former into the later. You denied again and again that you never talked about fairness even though in your initial post regarding this topic you mentioned that "2000 words don't make as much as 5" and that "steem is not a meritocracy (wholly concerned with Fairness) to talking about how it's not free market (more fairness). You are so lost in the sauce that it's beyond funny, it's sad, pathetic actually.

Posted using Partiko Android

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