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RE: CO2nsensus? - A Response To @kennyskitchen and @elamental

in #blog6 years ago

Hi Ann, and welcome! You're an awesome writer, and clearly have an awesome heart as well!
I'd like to very gently, kindly and with absolute respect suggest patience and allowance of flat earthers. Kenny has chosen to stand aside from this one, as it tends to be used to divide us, and it indeed is, and I agree with his sentiments. However, without formally choosing one camp or the other, I think it worthy of investigation. I'm not currently in the FE camp, but when the bulk of rather weak evidence (probably planted) is brushed aside, there are several bits of (anti-heliocentric) evidence I find quite compelling. Just as importantly, if not more, as we've been lied to about virtually everything, why would the nature of the planet we live upon be necessarily treated any differently, particularly when the benefits to the control structure (of the concept of a virtually limitless number of habitable planets created randomly by some chemical big bang strongly suggest that all, including ourselves are random, created by accident, finite, unimportant little whelps whose one-shot-only lives are largely meaningless), are utterly immense? And our meaningless little selves had best listen carefully to those much smarter whom are in control for good reason, lest our little lives be made miserable (or even lost) for our lack of common sense and wisdom.
The benefits of this scenario to a minuscule power structure bent upon continued domination over an entire planet can be breathtaking. So do I think it's flat? I don't know. What I do know is that I can find a plethora of reasons for known liars to have lied about this one as well.
I take no exception whatsoever to your dismissal of FE'ers, with respect I'd just like to see more folks such as yourself look a little deeper, as I currently am.
Why so much hot air from me about something that barely registers within your article? Sorry, it's because I'm in the process of writing my very first article as a member of Earth Tribe about this very subject. Not so much about the specifics of the shape of our world, more about why it's important, in the event we've been lied to yet again. We all know the winners write the history, so why would they treat the geography any differently, especially when it promises to perpetuate their structure? A lie of this magnitude would arguably be the biggest of all, which is why I feel it's worthy of discussion and investigation. If proven to be the case, it'll completely unravel the entire body of lies, top to bottom.
There may possibly be very important reasons that anyone approaching Antarctica without official government business (or on a controlled 'tour') is sternly warned away by military vessels from any of dozens of the world's military forces, as part of the Antarctic "Treaty".
In love, peace, appreciation and respect,
and in welcoming you warmly and sincerely,


Hi Logan.

Sincere thanks for your kind words and for welcoming me so warmly.

Respectfully though, flat earthers don't need my permission (or allowance) to do their thing. Personally, I investigated the 'theory' quite thoroughly as a small child using elementary scientific rigour and was able to deduce even then that it was just a pointless weirdy bollocks idea.

Humanity has infinitely more pressing concerns at the moment, (the collapsing everything and so on).

I don't want to waste any more precious time which I don't have and won't get back on something which interests me not in the slightest. So, respectfully and politely I reject your calls for me to 'allow' and 'be patient' with flat earthers.

Any future correspondence on this 'idea' (such as it is) will be graciously ignored. Do feel free to get in touch with me about pretty much anything else though.

Kind regards.


Understood and acknowledged.
In respect and friendship,

Respect and friendship backatcha.

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