the benefits of glutamine

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear community of steemit I come to give you to know a little about supplements SI! For anyone it is a secret that many people use it to supplement their exercise routines their diets their way of life.

As you can see there are people who have a maximum muscle development that is not only accompanied by hours in the gym if not a good diet, accompanied by supplements and food.

Now let's talk a little about the glutamine that in my particular is one of the ones that I like the most, it is significant when it comes to wanting to evolve a bit more, but I can emphasize that it has no other effect if not more than conditioning our muscles after the wear and tear of the training, it looks for to take care of our muscular mass that we gain training ...

What is it for? laGlutamine



Glutamine is an amino acid considered nutritionally as non-essential abundantly present in the body and involved in metabolic processes. It is synthesized from glutamic acid and ammonia. It is the main carrier of nitrogen in the body and is an important source of energy for cells. (NCBI, S.D.)

Glutamine In High Performance Athletes:

Glutamine is usually considered outside the academic environment as a functionally essential amino acid, especially in athletes, people with high muscle damage

How can we take it?

Glutamine comes in several forms such as, PILLS and powder
in pills pyedes take 2 capsules after training and powder a scoop diluted in water during your training or half an hour after training.

Where can we find Glutamine?
Glutamine is an important amino acid in the body, since it is the amino acid with the highest prevalence in the human body. The sources of glutamine are very varied, but basically we find variable amounts of this amino acid in foods rich in proteins such as fish, meat, dairy products and derivatives.

What does glutamine do in your body?

It is a precursor of protein synthesis.

Participate in the transport of nitrogen between
organs and tissues, in the transamination and homeostasis of amino acids. Makes and accepts nitrogens.

It is involved in the replication of active cells.

It is a good carbon source for neoglucogenesis and the Krebs cycle in some cells, such as enterocytes.

Prevents muscle catabolism.

It is very important as a substrate for the synthesis of glutathione, which is the main endogenous antioxidant (protects and liberates the liver from toxins).

It is the main metabolic fuel

Effects of glutamine on muscles

On the one hand, I would like to recall the above, in the presence of a deficit of this amino acid in the body, its oral administration will bring associated an increase in muscle mass thanks to the anabolism produced and the prevention of catabolism. This has been demonstrated in animal models where oral administration of this amino acid caused different effects on body composition depending on the degree of food deprivation of the subject.


personally advise you Without the help of these aminos if you can achieve lead to a healthy life, a healthy body without the need of the so called bad word strict diet

In my next post I will be helping you a bit about how I eat first in a country full of extreme decadence, as I do to train, without gym, or in gym and things that have personally helped me

Remember that everything you propose you can ACHIEVE if you wish

The motivation You win and the interest is important to the hira to make any positive change in your life YOU CAN.



Woff, woff!

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Woff, woff! 🐶

thanks for being a guide, since I am new to this and maybe you will not even notice when I put the acronym KR, which in fact are my first and last initials of my name, my apologies @krguidedog


thanks greetings @dmgpol09

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